ninawkward Member


  • Yeah, I can't really fault her for slacking a bit. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes Natalie looks like she's in pain? I suppose rehearsing the video's moves for several hours, doing the advanced moves, will do that to ya. And her body is amazing! I wish I could be so long and lean!
  • I agree with drinking lots of water. You'll have to go to the bathroom more often, which is inconvenient. But sometimes I think I'm hungry when, in fact, I'm thirsty. If you're sick of drinking plain old water, add a slice of lemon, orange, or even cucumber for some variety! And you can munch on the remaining slices as a…
  • Are you me?! Ha, I just ordered a bundle of DVDs from Amazon today. Did 30-Day Shred off YouTube today... it was brutal, but I think I made a worthwhile investment. Good luck to you!