Binge eating



  • lambchoplewis
    Been there - I do that!!! I am not sure what happens. It is like an outside force is stuffing food into me. I don't even taste it!! I eat until I am sick - I wish I could throw-up but I don't. I do this usually when I have had a few glasses of wine. I hate it. I wish I could just go out, have a glass of wine or two, eat a normal meal and go to bed. I need to say NO to all or it goes to hell.

    I saw this quote about getting back on the wagon:

    If you're heading somewhere in the car and wanted to get there by 5, but realized you were going to be a few minutes late, would you just give up and swerve into a bridge abutment?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I just finished my workout and I got carried away , I love granola bars and I cleaned out my supply

    what had you planned for your post-workout meal?

    if you hadn't planned anything, then that's why you binged on granola bars. If you plan something with protein and healthy carbs in, you'll satisfy your hunger, and won't need to binge.
  • Skinnyinsecure
    Skinnyinsecure Posts: 6 Member
    I had takeaway everyday this week. Its so hard to break the cycle when i start. Just knocking back progress. Its such a terrible feeling :(
  • MandySparklePants
    I have found that binge eating is hard to overcome. I know, man, I have been trying to stop this crazy cycle for years. What I have found most effective is binge eating only fruits and veggies. Nothing else. Don't allow, don't buy it. Binging on these two types of foods, especially the veggies, will change your health. because the binging part can sometimes just not be stopped, only binge on veggies and fruits. They are big and filling and stop a lot of cravings.
  • ninawkward
    ninawkward Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with drinking lots of water. You'll have to go to the bathroom more often, which is inconvenient. But sometimes I think I'm hungry when, in fact, I'm thirsty. If you're sick of drinking plain old water, add a slice of lemon, orange, or even cucumber for some variety! And you can munch on the remaining slices as a snack. I also like to fill up a small empty bottle of Diet Coke with some water (after thoroughly rinsing it out), pour one of those Crystal Light singles in it, and shake it up. (It does have aspartame, so it's not for everyone.)

    What I wrote is definitely easier said than done. I've been dealing with binge eating for most of my life, and it's tough. Just take care of yourself and don't beat yourself up if you binge. It happens.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Low carb/high fat is the one thing I have found that seems to short-circuit the 'I want all the food!' switch in my brain. It isn't a cure all, I do still get cravings once in awhile and I have to be careful to not be too low on calories and to keep things reasonably in balance as far as fat/carbs/protein, but it does work.

    But if you can find an easier way, go for it. And let me know what it is, because my diet truly is restrictive. Lucky me, I love beef.

    Oh yeah, one more thing. Black coffee! It does cut your appetite and give you something to sip on.