

  • dang! well that's weird! i was really enjoying this group. it has helped me tremendously
  • just got done with an hour of walking on the treadmill and my HRM said i burned 550 cals. so i guess it just depends on your situation! congrats on burning so many in dance class though! wow!
  • great challenge! hopefully i'll see some results this week
  • i stayed the same :grumble: at least i didn't gain though!
  • fantastic....i love walking in my neighborhood. I've been slacking recently though b/c of all the crappy weather we've been having. I think it's supposed to be nice all week so hopefully i can get my butt in gear!
  • I weighed myself this morning before i remembered the 2 extra days and I'm down to 153! Yay! I don't thing i'll be able to meet my goal of 152 by the 31st but i'll get pretty darn close! woo-hoo! I'll check in on Sunday also. Looking forward to June! Congrats people!
  • I think i did pretty well for a holiday weekend. I usually stuff myself but i didn't this time. I also went on a 2 day cleaning spree of my house. I wore my HRM for a few hours and i burned 500 calories during that time and i literally cleaned from 8AM to 11PM for 2 days stopping only to eat and take care of my daughter…
  • this is the home stretch everyone! we can do this!
  • yesterday i weighed myself (i couldn't wait) and i was down to 154 (another pound!) but this morning i was back to 155 :grumble: I guess i overindulged last night when we went out to dinner at our favorite Mexican place.... I agree that we also need a June Challenge! I need to keep my butt on track! I like the idea of…
  • you do need to exercise but i would also say that you are not eating enough. Anything less than those 1200 calories and your body kind of goes into starvation mode. I know it sounds counter-productive but you really do have to eat to lose weight. I just recently started MFP myself and I have trouble with this mentality too…
    in stuck Comment by sbjg2430 May 2009
  • I slacked off this weekend MAJORLY, so I hope to get back on track during the week. Great challenge this week BTW! i really need to work on my abs! Starting weight for week 3 is 155
  • Down another pound! Current weight 155.
  • i'm pretty good about my water intake so I'll make sure I stick with it and use this week to focus on my cardio more b/c i had such a crappy last week in that department! Here's hoping it quits raining long enough for me to get my walk in this evening! :drinker:
  • Start weight: 157 Today's weight: 156 Down only a pound but I'll take it! Especially since i didn't get nearly as much cardio in as i wanted b/c of the crappy weather we've been having lately. And i still don't have my treadmill :grumble: Hopefully this week!
  • I'm going rock climbing tonight! I used to be really into it several years ago but then i got pregnant and haven't done it since. I've been thinking about getting back into it recently so i called a friend to ask him if he wanted to do it with me and he's so excited about it he's making me go tonight. I'm excited…
  • i just did a 40 min walk in the neighborhood. i walked every single street and cul-de-sac, including the big hill at the entrance. :bigsmile:
  • OK here goes! Starting Weight (may 1st): 157 Goal weight (may 31st): 152 As far as cardio, right now i walk for 40 minutes while i push my daughter in the stroller after work. To bump that up (while I'm waiting to get my treadmill) I'll try to do an additional mini-walk (same brisk pace) in the AM before i go to work.…
  • Ha! Me too! I'm in.