dwakco Member


  • When you get out of work grab a pre workout drink or protein drink to curb the hunger and provide the energy to go directly to the gym. Workout from 6:30-7:30 then grab a small lean dinner. Kitchen closes after 8PM though. Only water after that. Good luck.
  • I would love some new friends who are positive, supportive and can dish the 'tough love.' I need the public accountability to be successful with my diet. The workouts are not the problem. Please add me if you like what I state above and on my profile. Thanks- David
  • Patriots! Own the 2000's!
  • Try a foam roller and roll the lactic acid and soreness out of your legs with the foam roller. Great to do post cardio workout and the next day. Almost as good as a massage! Also, try a recumbent stationary bike on the recovery days. It's easy and will get your legs to going and you won't miss a day of working out.