Gym Routine

umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
I have been paying gym membership and during the last 4 months I have only been there just once. I need to be regular in my gym routine. Gym closes at 8:45 pm and I arrive home at 6:30 usually. If I have my dinner then there is very slim window to go to the gym by 8:00pm. I am lacking the courage and energy to go to the gym directly after the office instead of going home first.

Getting up early in the morning is also not an option to go to gym. Any advise for making a workable gym routine will be much appreciated. Gym is only 6 min walk away from my place. I know it is sheer laziness that I am not going there. But that is where I am really struggling and have put on almost 15 lbs and really demotivated. Suggestions please?


  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    If you want this then you will find the time.. Take your clothes to work with you, eat AFTER the gym---but seriously?? If you want this you will make it happen. I did--no more excuses.
  • Not sure if this could be an option for you but I use a 24 hour gym. No matter my schedule I can still get there.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Go home and tell yourself you have 20 mins to eat a quick snack and get changed - make sure it is a light snack and won't bog you down. Talk to your gym and see about getting a trainning session and tell them you want 3 30 minute weightlifting routines made for you and to go through them in your session , they should be able to give you 3 routines that work different muscle groups. That will give you 3 30 min gym workouts a week, do cardio on 3 days if you can (treadmill, elliptical, bike, or if you prefer go outside and run or bike) and just start out with a 30 min workout or less if that what you need. Unfortunatly you just have to decide you are going to do it and make youself or find a good buddy who is capable of dragging you :) . If you incorperate different routines it will keep you from getting board and it is better for you overall to be well rounded. I personally think it is true what they say that the more you exercise the more you want to so if you just start it will get easier :happy:
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Yeah, go to the gym straight from work and take your clothes with you. If you're hungry bring a snack and then just eat dinner after your workout.
  • dwakco
    dwakco Posts: 5 Member
    When you get out of work grab a pre workout drink or protein drink to curb the hunger and provide the energy to go directly to the gym. Workout from 6:30-7:30 then grab a small lean dinner. Kitchen closes after 8PM though. Only water after that. Good luck.
  • Go on your lunch hour, or quit the gym and exercise at home or outside instead.
    You didn't explain why you can't exercise in the mornings. It's best to avoid excuses and just do it.
    You only need to fit in 30 minutes in a 24 hour day.
  • I go to gym directly from work. I know if I go home first, I find so many excuses not to leave home anymore, that I will not get any workout done that day.
    I have a snack either before I leave work or when I arrive at the gym, usually a cereal bar which has not too many calories.
    I have dinner when I get home after gym.

    " I am lacking the courage and energy to go to the gym directly after the office instead of going home first. "

    Energy: see above (snack!)
    Courage: ??? What's the difference in building up courage to go to the gym when you're at home vs when you're at work?

    As far as I can see, it's a question of getting used to it, making it a habit.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    My husband has this same issue, I think that if you go straight to the gym from work it will work best. Pack your clothes at night, once you get to the gym and change, jump right in maybe with a cardio machine like the ellipitcal(15-30min) at first till you're more comfortable. Once youre done working out you will feel awesome and be super hungry for dinner. Keep at it and this routine will work great for you and you will come to love it and desire it! Go for at least 3-4 days a week.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    I agree with all of the above - If you want it, you just do it. I work full time and have 2 kids. I go on my lunch break for quick sessions and then try to compensate for it any morning or after work when I can. All in all I end up going 5-6 times per week. If I have a spare hour or two it is spent at the gym. Yes, my housework suffers a little because of it but it is all about priorities.

    I know everyone's circumstances are different but my point is, you will find the time if you actually want to change. No one is going to drag you there kicking and screaming. It is up to you. It gets easier also. Once you get in the routine of going it is hard to stop.

    Also, I find it best to eat supper AFTER my gym session. If I eat before I feel full and just plain lazy. Have a snack before you leave work, go kill it at the gym and go home and refuel.

    Why are mornings not possible? Is that another excuse?

  • msmonique95
    msmonique95 Posts: 33 Member
    Here are two options, go during your lunch breaj or right after work. You have to make the time to get to the gym if you want to lose weight.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    i went in the morning - it meant getting up really early but it was the best option for me.

    for you - go straight from work. do not pass home, do not collect 100$. take your gym clothing with you to work. have a snack at your office before you leave - a banana or small sandwich, yogurt, etc.

    it will be hard the first frew times, then it will become habit.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    It looks like only option is which most of you have suggested is to go to gym directly from work. I agree because once I am home then I have all the excuses. I will definitely do that from tomorrow:) Wish me good luck!
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    It looks like only option is which most of you have suggested is to go to gym directly from work. I agree because once I am home then I have all the excuses. I will definitely do that from tomorrow:) Wish me good luck!
    you have this !!
  • Wish me good luck!

    Good luck!!
  • DarleneMarie203
    DarleneMarie203 Posts: 56 Member
    When you get out of work grab a pre workout drink or protein drink to curb the hunger and provide the energy to go directly to the gym. Workout from 6:30-7:30 then grab a small lean dinner. Kitchen closes after 8PM though. Only water after that. Good luck.

    I love this advice! Going to start using it myself! :smile: