

  • I would advise to just pause. I find it helpful when I feel I can't take it any longer to ditch the diet/exercise plan and live through a few 'normal' days - i.e. eat what you would if you were not losing weight. this works for me because you are not going back, you are just catching your breath. it is so hard to regain…
  • If nothing else works just think about this: imagine meeting him on the street at some point (and i'm guessing you are bound to run into him at some point). Imagine how great it would be to look so damn amazing so that son of a b... can see what he's missing. Imagine how amazing it would feel. And then imagine different…
  • I would say that this problem is 9 out of 10 times a psychological issue. Yes, there is a chance that you dont eat properly during the day so that you are hungry at night, in which case the solution is easy - just as someone above suggested simply adjust your diet. Psychological aspect is more difficult to deal with.…
  • amen! is it really terrible if I feel a little (a tiiiiiiny little) bit better that I'm not the only one with the thoughts voiced above. went from wanting just to tone up a little and maybe lose 1-2 kg to developing super-unhealthy habits. I gained 10kg in the last year, I'm at my absolute peak weight now. Really feeling…
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