bottomless pit

Ok so this whole week I've been really outta line and have been going over my calorie count but today tops all the other days and i don't know what to do. I'm starting to stress out and don't know how to get over it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated at this time. Thank you all


  • I don't have any good advice, I am in exactly the same boat! It's like the cold weather is making me an eating machine or something. Need a way to get back on track. I log it all too, so it's kinda depressing to see all the horrible stuff I'm eating!
  • daworley
    daworley Posts: 238 Member
    We all have this happen, truly. Just shake it off and go on. I know that sounds overly simplified, but do. What has happened is in the past now, just stop and go forward! It might help to get rid of some unhealthy food in your home, also. Look forward to getting something cute and in a smaller size for New Year's Eve!! :smile:
  • mica06
    mica06 Posts: 50 Member
    I know that's what I've been talling myself everyday to let it go and move on but it seems like every day it gets worst. And I don't really have a lot of junk in my house to begin with, its like I eat and I'm still hungry so I keep eating. I just hope it goes away cause its really stressing me out.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    i've been the same way. I've had a really bad few days and i'm eating and not caring to punish myself. seems stupid and i know this but keep doing it anyway. oh well.
  • Have you tried more water? So eti es that works for me when I have days like that. Also, staying busy helps. Good luck.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    This tends to happen to me, especially right before TOM. Sometimes I just have to take a day or two and let it go. Then (usually once AF shows up :blushing: ) I all of a sudden get my motivation back. Now, you don't want it to go for one week out of every month. But accepting that sometimes it happens and not beating yourself up is important. Sometimes tracking through the bottomless pit stage helps to keep it under control, but at other times, it just makes it worse. And over all, a few days (or even a week) once in a while, doesn't make a big difference over the long run.
  • AussieMisfit
    AussieMisfit Posts: 78 Member
    Are you eating plenty of lean protein, fruit and veg and some healthy grains? If I eat this way I find it really hard to reach my newly increased calorie goal. I could easily eat 3000 calories of junk in a day though!
  • Drink more water and don't even have any "bad" food (junk food) in the all!!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    exercise! it suppresses appetite and its an awesome stress reliever.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Drink a pint of water before each meal. That helps me.
  • runlikeananna
    runlikeananna Posts: 42 Member
    Frozen blueberries are really good when you are feeling bottomless -- except for the stains it leaves around your mouth lol. If you are looking for comfort food then cook up some vegetable soup. Eggplant or mushrooms are really low cal and bulky and are nice grilled.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I know that's what I've been talling myself everyday to let it go and move on but it seems like every day it gets worst. And I don't really have a lot of junk in my house to begin with, its like I eat and I'm still hungry so I keep eating. I just hope it goes away cause its really stressing me out.

    Can you do more exercise to help compensate? And drink extra water to fill you up. And eat lots of bulky stuff that requires a great deal of chewing. Like spinach, or celery, or carrots...not so many calories and you get to just chew and chew. Maybe you just need that feeling of chomping on grazing.

  • mica06
    mica06 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice. And yes i drink lots of water but it hasn't seem to hero much this time. I think i do need to start exercising on the weekends again,i had stop cause it was the only says i actually get to spend time with my bf and kids at the same time cause during the week my bf gets home from work late and I'm always our with my daughter for get activities. I just hope tomorrow this feeling of always being hungry goes away. Thanks everyone you guys are awesome
  • I would advise to just pause. I find it helpful when I feel I can't take it any longer to ditch the diet/exercise plan and live through a few 'normal' days - i.e. eat what you would if you were not losing weight. this works for me because you are not going back, you are just catching your breath. it is so hard to regain your strength if you have regressed, but there is no guilt in acknowledging that you need to be kind to yourself and take it easy when you need a rest. usually after 2-4 day's i'm full of energy and determination to resume.
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    if you are eating more... just workout more... build muscle.... its okay to eat, but you just have to make sure you are useing the food as fuel!! food fuels your body like gas fuels a vehicle... use it to its full extent.... on the days you eat more, maybe go for a jog or a long walk shortly after!

    good luck!
  • Sometimes, when I felt like eating everything in the kitchen (including the cabinets), turns out I was just tired. Days like that, the only thing that would help is a nap.
  • jesloseit23
    jesloseit23 Posts: 10 Member
    Girl, you are NOT ALONE! We are all on this journey for a reason and results do not come over night, but they WILL come! I have a sugar addiction (I'm pretty sure) that I've had for years. It's like any drug and to overcome the food, sugar, carb dependency, it will take mind over matter and SUPPORT from MFP, family, and willingness from yourself. Here are some tips that sometimes help me. Again, look at this as a lifetime journey. Three days of bad eating will not wreck your goals. Start NOW and get back to the foods that make you healthy!
    Here's a quote I saved from one of my MFP friends:

    "What's better than getting to eating the foods you've been eating for years? Being the person you've wanted to be for years and having the body you deserve!"

    1). Start your morning with 16 oz of water with freshly sqeezed lemon in it (this works as a diaretic and cleanser) and it will fill you up a bit so you don't go overboard on breakfast.

    2) eat protein (egg whites with fresh veggies) and whole grain (a piece of whole grain toast or tortilla) for bfast

    3) Throw away ALL (this means ANY and EVERY snack what will not aid in your healthy journey to getting fit). I know this is hard, especially if you have kids. We feel they need to have their "snacks" or sugar cereal. Well, they dont! We want them to be healthy as adults and it starts when they are young. Toss the sugar cereals!!! (That was tough for me, but now my kids ask for Chex or Kix instead of Captain Crunch!). Get rid of candy, sweets, or anything with hash chemicals that will make you feel icky after eating them. You CAN DO THIS!! :)

    4) Post on MFP and turn to us for support (which you are and is SO AWESOME!!). :)

    5) IF you're hungry, eat, but choose foods with protein combined with lots of fresh veggies (celery, bell peppers, saladas are great, just make your own dressing), beans, fresh fruit.

    6) Take walks with your family. Encourage them to walk (I take my kids in strollers and we walk to park. While they are playing, I'll do push ups or jumps or just chase them for exercise). If the weather is cold, have a dance party in your house with your kids. Before you know it, they will start asking to have dance parties and you will burn some cals!!. :)

    You are on the right track. You are succeeding and you will reach your goals. Take each hour at a time, then each day at time. Celebrate your wins by posting them for us to see! We are all in the same boat! In fact, I'm going to toss the TWizzler's my mom brought over yesterday and I will not feel bad about it one bit!! :)

    Make it a great day!!
  • carol1930
    carol1930 Posts: 5 Member
    I would recommend praying about it. It can't hurt to ask for help from the big man upstairs. Remember, "You can do all things....."
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Its the natural walk up towards christmas and its really hard to break. Just think to yourself if you manage to get through christmas and maintain/lose then you will truly be the master in your food and exercise relationship.

    My goal is to make it through christmas with pure determination. Next year will be the year i reach my goal so thats something to look forward to! next summer i'll be the hottest body on the beach ;-)