JoyfullMovement Member


  • Sounds great FibroFit! I love Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire too. I have to switch it up though. With the fibro, exercise makes my body stiffen up so severely I can barly function. It is so wonderful your body responds well to the strenuous exercise! :)
  • This is a very informative site on ACV & VCO.
  • Quote from a Palio site: called whole9life Fibromyalgia: “The thought of resetting my system so it didn’t crave (sugar/carbs) was my original (Whole30) motivation. I had NO CLUE that God would use the Whole30 to bring total healing to my physical and mental ailments! By my third and fourth weeks, I was completely pain…
  • I know some people don't feel good about these terms and have to watch myself . Being raised a southern girl, these terms want to come out of my mouth when I have a feeling of affection in my heart. That's how I feel for my MFP friends. (thinking affectionate terms in my head now) :)
  • R.Red, many just don't understand. Maybe they can't unless they go though it themselves. As I wake up stiff and hurting, I am frustrated this morning. I had to give up my first love, running, and hope I don't have to give up more but my body is talking to me. Just remembering that about a month ago I went through a symptom…
  • Sounds like you have taken the first step by seeing the pattern and being able to look at your part. We all have areas to work on and taking a hard look at ourselves is not easy. I believe we are here to learn lessons and the lessons will keep presenting themselves in our lives until we get it. I suggest talking to your…
  • Thank you fields. I have had my new scale a week and realize I have not been using it much. I will start. I know what you mean about the creamer. I had gotten back on it and wasn't even always measuring. I have a bug right now but plan to get more strict with myself as soon as I am well.
  • Hi Mom, I can relate. I have to change things up a lot. The repittion gets me. I used to run outdoors, that is my love. I had to stop running years ago. I suggest to keep looking for other exercises you love to do. Adapt them how you need and switch them around. I have many DVD'S to workout with. Zumba, Turbo Jam, WII,…
  • I have to say I just had a rude awakening. Somehow I was doing a more strenuous exercise without the stiffening side effects. I thought maybe because of the diet change. But due to a hetic week, I fudged some on my diet. I am having an issue with my left hip, leg, knee due to overuse in a harder exercise schedule. (I kind…
  • I just looked at your food diary. It looks good! Maybe I am not one to advise anyway. LOL. I would like my weight to be coming off quicker also. I am 50 years old with a much slower metabolism than years ago. I have fibro and it makes it difficult to work out as hard as I would like and used to. I have cut out breads and…
  • Hi fieldsbean, I know it is frustrating when you are doing everything right and the weight loss doesn't reflect it. The only advice that comes to mind is asking if you are actually measuring and weighing your food. I knew my judgement of servings, cups, ounces, etc were probably skewed and bought a scale from amazon for…
  • Oh no! It just isn't right for someone to have to endure so much. I hope the surgery will bring you relief!
  • If they are out of line and disrespectful, I assume that is the case, only focus on the tone and not the details. Know you do not deserve disrespect no matter what is going on. Don't get into the details and possibly defending yourself. Tell them the way they are speaking is not acceptable and you will be happy to talk…
  • Dear mjjnbla, I am so sorry to hear of all your trials. It just tears at my heart to know you are going through so much. Could you sarch out a specialist in HMS before having any surgery. With such a big decision and your life so overtaken by these problems, it would even be worth travel if possible for you. I don't know…
  • Hi Pifflesmom, I didn't think about the PCOS. I had years of struggle with endometriosis and PCOS. That is why I had the hysterectomy. Hang in there! I know it is so frustrating to want to be healthy when your Fibro makes it hard to function. I just would suggest trying different lifestyle changes to see if something will…
  • Terri, I am the same, very flexible hips and lower body but not the hands. It can happen like that where ou are not bendy in every joint area. Well I hope the awareness may help if ou need it or have issues come up. When i google now there seems to be more info out there than just three years ago. Good luck!
  • A doctor talking about the HMS
  • Wow Terri, it sure sounds like you may have the HMS. THE Physical therapist diagnosis it more than doctors. There is a good site that answers a lot of questions you have. I will return with the site link. How we knew something was wrong? My daughter went through a few periods when very young with pain and stiffness in…
  • Wow, you Are tuff! I know any joint out of place is painful. I can't imagine your knees and putting them back in yourself. Your determination is inspiring.
  • Yes it can be a severe issue? Some people can be hypermobile with out the syndrome though and not have the life altering issues. I am sorry to hear about your knees. When my daughter was 11, we couldn't shop for five min before her knees were hurting and she was looking for a place to sit down. Her physical therapist…
  • Yes, I relate also. I was at a family gathering and someone said "They say Fibro is in the head and not real". Uggghhh! I politely told her it was real and I have it. I am sure she thinks "THEY" know more. Many people suffer in silence, fibro, HMS, Endometriosis. It is another layer of pain that come with these types of…
  • I am sorry to hear you are having such issues. It is so frustrating when it makes normal life hard to get through and your job situation too. Hang in there! Good for you with the Zumba. I have been managing to do my turbo jam but the last two times I did Zumba, I kind of torked my knee. Be careful. I know what you mean…
  • The lush green mountains of NC. Can you tell I love it here?
  • A sign of HMS is when a baby doesn't crawl but scoots around on their bottom. Some skip crawling all together and manage like this till they can walk. It is good just to be aware of. It was a blessing when a friend realized what was wrong with my daughter and led us in the right direction for a diagnosis.
  • The following is a great site ran by an amazing young woman.
  • Yes, I and my daughter have HMS. I was writing about it on a Fibro thread and realized I hadn't checked to see if there was an HMS group.
  • Here is another good site about HMS. I know this amazing young woman who runs it.
  • Here is one doctor's site talking about the connection between HMS and Fibro. I hate to say after a lifetime of being overly flexible, now I am stiff and have issues I never thought possible for me. I think after the hysterectomy, hormone shift…
  • HMS, FROM A SITE ON LINE: My examinations have almost always revealed an undiagnosed hypermobility syndrome of the congenital or benign types. Although there are many conditions which have joint hypermobility such as Ehler-Danlos, Marfans, rheumatoid, post-polio and other syndromes; by far the most common is the congenital…