How are you doing ARMY sister? I can so relate and need to get back on track.
Are you still active here? I am joining and just trying to get back in the swing of using this app and need to get motivated.
I am on Ravelry too, SisterKnitter44. Love it!
Love it! I'm in. :)
I am s sorry to hear about your struggles. It is can be so hard! I am glad you are not giving up . I have my hip replaced in May. I can't sit Indian style now either and hope all that changes after the surgery. I am trying really hard to lose some weight before the surgery but am having a hard time with it. I am trying to…
I see this is an old post but hope to find you still here. I have fibromyalgia and am about to have a hip replacement. I just ran into a reminder about T-Tapp while online and a lightbulb went off. I had the pleasure of meeting Theresa years ago at a T-Tapp seminar but didn't really try it as I was a runner, lifted…
52 in July.
It is such a hard thing to deal with. Some things help me but I certainly haven't found a magic answer. For myself, I have the fatigue and when I exercise it brings on a crippling stiffness. If I am doing something that hurts and I don't stop, I end up with a problem that never goes away. So for my problems: getting enough…
Be careful running. I ran for years. My hips were very flexible. I am only 51 now and my left hip is bone on bone and needs replacing. I do not know the running was a contributing factor but suspect it. I miss running so much :( Best of luck!
Thanks so much for the advice.
I have fibromyalgia and HMS, a soft tissue glitch. I can so relate to the fatigue being an issue. Repetition is such a factor also. I realize now, hard headed you know, that if something is hurting I better switch it up no matter how much I love the activity. Running through foot pain left me with an issue that never…
I see this thread is a bit old but am thankful to find it. You all look so young! I am 51 and just found out I need my hip replaced. I am going for a second opinion but the first doctor said he wouldn't want me to run. I have had a foot issue and fibro so I haven't been running for a good while but to be told never again…
Thanks for the update. It is so great to hear good news:)
They could be on vacation with no Internet. I have seen this bother people but i am not sure i understand. Why does it upset you?
In my area' a physical therapist is most likely to have knowledge of Hypermobility.
Well that last post was confusing. Obviously I have a user issue. Here is the new comment again: So sorry to hear you have such a trying case but glad you are finding some relief. It is frustrating how expensive these treatments are. I have had two sessions of Endomology. It is supposed to help fibro and our lymph system,…
I have fibromyalgia, a bad foot and joint issues but still try to Turbo because I love it so. I am excited to try the tape. The Turbo Fire is so much faster than Turbo Jam and on the carpet it is tricky to not tork the knees. I also have to follow the low impact but still get a great workout. I have not experienced the…
I have not had Myofascial massage. I am sorry to hear it was so painful. Have you continued with it and/ or did you feel like it benefited in the long run? Hang in there!
Good job losing 6 pounds! I have read that losing two pounds a week is the number to strive for. Sounds like you enjoy your walking and having a treadmill at home is great for those rainy days. I would rather be outdoors walking and running, my first exercise love, but can't anymore due to a foot problem I developed after…
- Just did a search and found there is lots of information about Tai Chi helping with Fibro. Again, I had to stick with it awhile before experiencing the benifits. That may just be from having to learn the form well enough to experience it…
I can personally say it is wonderful for those who suffer with Fibromyalgia also.
My new exercise love is Tai Chi. There really is more to it than meets the eye. I had to stick with it awhile to reach this point of appreciation. It even helped my stiffness yesterday after a hard workout of Turbo Fire.
Hi, Buncombe county here. Welcome!
You ladies are an inspiration. I havn't been dancing much lately.
Hi Twinmom, I suffered with endometriosis for years and had 5 of the laparoscopies, one bikini cut surgery, and finally a hysterectomy. It never made a difference with weight for me. Like someone else mentioned, for a few days you may feel bloated due to the gas they use to expand the area they are working in. It can even…
Hi Ashley, I Have been a bit back and forth lately not always finding the time to record my food also. Having a plan and rules for myself has been most helpful along with planning my meals ahead of time. I am often torn about which plan to follow though. There are so many different tracks of thinking about weight loss.…
Sorry about your diagnosis. I hope you are managing it all well. I have that book also. It is very informative.