Exercise with Fibro



  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member

    The only exercise I can do right now is walk and even that can be challenging!! I hate walking alone but I'm all I have so I don't have any choice!!

  • gordonx4
    gordonx4 Posts: 26 Member

    The only exercise I can do right now is walk and even that can be challenging!! I hate walking alone but I'm all I have so I don't have any choice!!


    Walking is about all I can do also and I hate walking. What I started doing is taking my Kindle to the gym with me to reading while I walk, next thing I know I have been walking for an hour and got 4 miles in.

    when you listen to music your mind will wander and then you start looking at the time. when you read you get lost in the story and lose track of time.
  • Bookworm_Chris
    Bookworm_Chris Posts: 26 Member
    I joined a gym with a heated pool, and try to swim laps whenever possible. On days when my pain levels are higher than others, I do simple water jog, or just walk the lanes back and forth. As a bonus, the area where the pool is also has a whirlpool, which is nice. I also seem to do okay using the stationary bike or the treadmill. I am going to try and start incorporating some strength training into my workout, but I must admit I am hesitant about that. If I find it bothers me, or triggers any additional pain, I think I may use the water barbells instead, and try some strength training in the water. For me personally, working out in the pool is awesome, because it never really aggravates the symptoms. I was only recently diagnosed (early May 2012), and my doc doesn't want me on any meds at this point, because I already take 5 medications on a daily basis for other medical issues. At this point he feels that the meds out there like Cymbalta and Lyrica, while they work for some people, wouldn't personally benefit me. Best of luck to you in your weight loss journey, and in finding a fitness program that works for you!
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    DEANAP, how much vitamin D do you take, and how often? I was told I should start taking it, but wasn't told how much. Thanks, Red

    Hi Red, I am experimenting with my vitamin dosage I got online. superior source instant dissolve tablets (tiny pill melts in mouth and tastes good) 10,000 iu and I started out taking 1 D3 then week later increased 2 D3 and next week 3 D3 that is 30,000 iu. I do not get much sun, but the good part is I do not have a single wrinkle on my face, LOL I was off my D3 for 2 days and the pain has returned more severe for some unknown reason my left ankle hurts when I walk on it. I am taking it again today. I see where a woman says 50,000 is what her Dr. prescribed. I also take Magnesium with Calcium addition of vitamin D3 liquid good tasting blueberry by Solgar. I get additional 1000 IU in that plus 1200 calcium and 600 magnesium and I take 2 tbls of it. Vitamin D3 is helping the fibro for me but it is scary when I miss a day or 2 of it. I worry what will happen when I stop taking it. Vitamin D your body cannot store. No one can understand what it is like to live with pain 24/7 unless they have chronic pain. I pray a cure is found for this soon I have waited for 10 yrs and there is no known cure as we know. I do not even know what to call it, is it a disease or sickness? Adding to the complication I also have lypoedema blockage of the lymphatic system no known cure water pills cannot remove the fluid and exercise only makes my arms,legs,ankles swell up more.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'd like to update my progress with fibro since I first joined this group back in January. I worked through my painful walking and was eventually able to walk up to 10 miles a day. I have walked over 500 miles since Jan., I've lost nearly 40lbs and I've recently started biking since I broke my foot while tripping over my dog while running! Yes, I was even running. It's amazing what all of the exercise has done for my fibro, my mood, my stress level, etc.!!! The weight loss has had amazing results. I still take Tramadol for pain but I usually only take 2 per day rather than the 2-4 I used to take. I still have 'bad' days if I overdo it but with a broken foot, those days arent often. lol
    I make sure I don't sit around. THAT makes it soooo much worse. The more you sit, the worse it is! You MUST get out and move, even though it hurts. There were times that I had such horrible, random, stabbing pains that I'd cry. It is worth it, the pain passes and you get better.
    The water aerobics classes were awesome. I ended up buying my own water weights to use in my own pool. You get to move all of your muscle groups without the pounding and stress of your weight hurting you. Granted, I do not feel like I'm burning any calories but when I'm done, I feel like I've spent a day at the spa! I highly reccommend water exercise!
    I will always have fibro and they may never find a cure for it but it can be manageable. Yes, I still have pain, like when my grandson wanted to sit on my thigh yesterday...it was very painful! But, I don't have the aching all over, feeling like I can't move stuff anymore. I can live with feeling bruised if touched. I know it's not perfect but all of the above has worked wonders for me!
    Add me as a friend if you'd like and I'll help cheer you on. Every person is different and what worked for me may not work for you but I'd be happy to try and help. If you do send a friend request, please state the reason why. Thanks and good luck, we can live with this. :)
  • GeorgiaWin
    GeorgiaWin Posts: 23 Member
    I used to do that video prefibro days! I loved it. Going to find it right now! Thanks for the jog in memory. Hopefully, this will get me movin' again. I know I need to get movin'.

    forgot to quote! I hate when that happens. I'm talking about the Leslie Sansone walking video - 1,2 and 3 mile walks.
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    This is going to sound crazy but hear me out. I have had Fibro for almost 8 years now. I tried the meds some made me crazy, some made me sleep all day etc. I gained so much weight :( I didn't leave my house unless someone made me. I couldn't sleep at night because it felt like things were biting me and I could feel every wrinkle in the sheets and in my clothes. It felt like I had bruises every time anyone touched me. It was a nightmare! Then about a year ago my aunt told me about these nutrition shakes and said she thought they might help me. I laughed it off cause I had tried everything. I was given a bag anyway and it sat in my cabinet until about 20 days ago. I decided whatever, I'll try it. Let me tell you, for the first time in years I have been able to get out of bed without rolling out of it and I got out of my tub last night in a standing position. Seems like a stupid insignificant thing but to me it's a miracle. I don't hurt like I used to and I have been going to the park and getting out of the house something I never did. I would suggest trying it. It might not work for you but it is worth a try. I am not trying to sell you anything even though I can sell it. Just get it from somewhere somebody and try it. I wish I had done this a year ago! I know I probably sound like an advertisement but it's true and it has a money back guarantee. JUST TRY IT. There is a link on my page if you want to know more about it. Fibromyalgia sux!

    This ^^^^^
    I was all excited about this protein shake and would have purchased it until I found out it is Body by Vi which has sucrose in it aka splenda. Splenda aka sucrose has harmed my respiratory system greatly I am highly allergic to it where the coughing is nearly non stop and cannot take a deep breath. Sorry but until body by VI changes to stevia or another alternative sugar I cannot take it. If you look in search engine you will see more people some say they have damaged their lungs so bad they have lung cancer with sucrose.
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    My dr forbade me to do squats. Now I have quads like you wouldnt believe. They are natural. But when I squat and work out and shred I have quads that are amazing. I am starting to squat again. Very small weight but I know I will increase it. I just stop if I feel any pain. I love body pump and miss it like crazy. I am eyeing the new home version and think im going to purchase it!

    I used to do light weight body pump back in the UK at my local gym and found it was the absolute best at making me feel good as long as I didnt over do the weight. it was the right set of movement with little impact truma. Since moving to canada I cant find ANYTHING about body pump.
    Do you know if I can get a DVD?
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135

    The only exercise I can do right now is walk and even that can be challenging!! I hate walking alone but I'm all I have so I don't have any choice!!


    Now I love walking alone. I can go at my own pace without feeling like im chasing the person i'm with!!
  • Ttgettindown
    Ttgettindown Posts: 4 Member
    Wow... our stories are soo similar...I too was on a strength training and cardio exercise plan working out 5-6 days per week very intense, and the fibro kicked in with the fatigue and a year later I have gained every pound back and then some. I dont wish this on anyone, but I do know that you had the determination and motivation to succeed at the weight loss once and you can do it again. It may take more time but stick to it and listen to your body!!! Good Luck!!
  • gavians
    gavians Posts: 72 Member
    Now that I have made some significant changes in my life over the past six months, I thought I would post an update and maybe provide hope for others.

    For most of the past six months I have been very careful to follow the MFP regime. I used my elliptical a lot (more earlier on) and walk whenever I get a chance for a couple miles. After losing over 40 pounds, improved diet, and exercise, I actually am feeling much better. I can't say I am fibro-free but as others stated it is at a more manageable level where I feel "normal" most of the time. I have noticed more flair ups when I start eating poorly and lacking exercise.

    After really slacking off over the past 6 weeks, I am trying to get back on the horse. Luckily, the habits I learned on MFP carried on when I was "off diet" and didn't really gain any or much weight. But now it is time to start shedding the lbs once again so I can hit my total goal by the end of the year (another 30 pounds).

    So, we are all different and react differently, but if anyone is similar to me there is hope that good diet, exercise, and losing weight really improves how manageable the fibro impacts you. Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same when I first getting impacted by it because I did have a great diet and exercise program so it isn't the only thing that makes a difference. I think the right dietary supplements for fibro (no pharmaceutical for me) and avoiding toxic foods like aspartame make all the difference. (Luckily I seem to react well to Splenda but I know others who do not).

    Keep on the good fight! Watching your body and doing the right things can make living with fibro a little more comfortable.
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, I just rode my new bike today for 3 miles and I can't believe that my legs feel weak from it (I haven't ridden a bike for at least 5 yrs.) It was harder than my walking 3 miles, esp. the little hills. (the bike is just a 1 speed). But I am determined to keep riding it :) Plus I know I will probably feel it tomorrow.. But, hey, it was fun while I was riding it!!
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for the update. It is so great to hear good news:)
  • ta2dcmom
    Hey y'all! I have had fibro for about 3 years now. I have gained about 30 pounds since then. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to hurt anyway, so I may as well get myself in shape. I am on blood pressure medicine. Oh yeah, I am 38 and in surgical menopause. THAT doesn't help anything. So I have started this journey. This is day 2 of logging in my food and fitness. I am up to walking 2 miles at one time at a 4mph pace. We have an indoor track and that helps! I also go to zumba and kickboxing. Now, please understand there are some moves I just cannot do, so there is a lot of rump shaking in a circle going on, but hey, I figured at least I am moving. Is it easy? Not yet. Do I hurt? Absolutely! Are my emotions in a much better place? YES, YES, YES!!!

    I am so thankful for this group. It is nice to know I am not walking through this journey alone!
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi! I've been diagnosed for about 2 years now. I have taken Naproxen since then and was also prescribed flexiril but that just makes me useless so I stopped taking that awhile ago. Naproxen has seemed to do ok for me. I just push through the pain with exercising anyway. Also, it is hard to find people who are supportive if they're not going through what we are.
  • I was head cheerleader, and national champion gymnasts in high school, and I kept that body and weight regardless of being diagnosed with fibro in my early 20s, until about 2008. I know how nuts this sounds but I flew on a plane and that changed my life forever. It was a 7 hours flight from Ohio to Texas and I have never been the same since. The weight didn’t start piling on right away but the pain, constant nausea, lack of energy or motivation to do anything at all happened nearly immediately and just continued to progressively get worse.

    Early 2009 is when I quit smoking ( I was a smoker for almost 18 years) and a few months later I suffered an unimaginable tragedy that sunk me into a depression one can only try to imagine. That is when the weight started to pile on I gained over 100pds in the one year. I went from a easy 170 to 290. And fortunately (kind of) that is where I stayed. I haven’t gained any weight, I’m just not losing it either. At first I thought it was all the meds I was on for my various depression, Bipolar, fibro etc. so I weaned myself off all of them….still not a pound lost…so now this past Saturday I bought some supplements (psyllium husk, whey protein, b12 etc) at GNC and I found a website (blog really) of a woman who is a ballerina in New York who offers these workouts for free so sine Saturday I have eggs and coffee for breakfast and a multivitamin, then do my school work (going back for my bachelors now online) then at noon I have a supplement drink of almond milk, whey protein, the husks, chia seeds, and b12, shortly after the b12 kicks in and I have a ton of energy so I take advantage of that and do the workout.

    I can’t do anything that involves putting to much pressure on my knees i.e. lunges, bird-dogs, or anything where I’m kneeling directly on the ground. I can do the jogging in place but the next day my shins will ache really badly so I think I will skip that for now. Otherwise I am able to do the plank, the Russian twists, standing side crunches, sit ups, counter push-ups, standing calf raises, etc. I feel great doing this and have lost 4 lbs since Saturday I contribute this to the b12 it gives me so much energy and allows me to get up and move……also wanted to add a side note that two days a week I do the Dance Central 3 game which is awesome, burns a TON of calories, and is pretty low impact.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member

    A bit over a year ago, I posted on here how I was walking to help my fibro, etc. I weighed 166lbs then! I have since dropped down to 138, then went up some as I gained muscle weight. I'm now able to jog without any problems. After I started walking, I dropped the weight quickly and then decided to try c25k. I promptly broke my foot when my lab was running with me and she stepped in front of me, tripping me and I was a mess. :( I banged up my knee, severely bruised my shoulder and with the broken foot, I also broke my big toe. That was in May and by Nov., I finished c25k. I then went on to finish the c25k to 10k bridge. I haven't jogged 10k yet, but I can jog for over an hour now. I just did that to tell myself I could. lol Now I mainly just jog 5k or 30 minutes every other day and walk another 30. I started weight training a week ago and up until yesterday that was going well. I think I overdid it.. I lifted weights for nearly an hour, jogged 3 miles and then later that night I went to my water aerobics class, thinking it would help relax my sore muscles! Haha, that didn't work. Today I just went for a half hour hike and it seemed to help a lot. I still take Tramadol twice a day and wouldn't be able to function without it. I can't even bend over to put my slippers on in the morning, but within an hour or so of taking the meds, I'm ready to go. I've been taking it for over ten years and I still thank God for it!
    Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that even if you have fibro, you CAN lose weight, you CAN walk, jog, hike and run too! Losing the weight has made the fibro sooo much better! I still have that 'bruised' feeling everywhere, but I rarely get those horrible, stabbing and cramplike pains that I used to have frequently.
    Keep moving, keep working on that weight loss and better health! We can do this!
  • lyn1uk
    lyn1uk Posts: 6 Member
    I've recently (in last few months) been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and over the last year i have put on a lot of weight that i had lost before so I've started going to the gym like my physiotherapist suggested and as I'd expected I'm aching like crazy in my knees, ankles, hips, feet, toes, shoulders and back but what has surprised me is that my hands have started to really hurt and they are not really involved in any of the exercise. I'm using an elliptical machine or an exercise bike if i feel too tired to stand up. i don't want to give up the exercising because it makes me feel like i'm doing some good but i was wondering if any one had any ideas about how they combat the aches, pains and weaknesses that healthy living creates thanks :smile:
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    I've recently (in last few months) been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and over the last year i have put on a lot of weight that i had lost before so I've started going to the gym like my physiotherapist suggested and as I'd expected I'm aching like crazy in my knees, ankles, hips, feet, toes, shoulders and back but what has surprised me is that my hands have started to really hurt and they are not really involved in any of the exercise. I'm using an elliptical machine or an exercise bike if i feel too tired to stand up. i don't want to give up the exercising because it makes me feel like i'm doing some good but i was wondering if any one had any ideas about how they combat the aches, pains and weaknesses that healthy living creates thanks :smile:

    It is such a hard thing to deal with. Some things help me but I certainly haven't found a magic answer. For myself, I have the fatigue and when I exercise it brings on a crippling stiffness. If I am doing something that hurts and I don't stop, I end up with a problem that never goes away. So for my problems: getting enough sleep is necessary, being careful to listen to my body and pains, switch up what I do - not being to repetitive, and following up with gentle stretching. Again, my issues may be different than yours a bit. I find when I am having pain there is often knots in my tissue. There are different tools and treatments to work these out that helps. Endomology and infrared sauna has helped me. Speaking of your hands, just gripping the steering wheel tightly brings on pain in my hands. I have found that when I stay away from artificial sweeteners, gluten and sugar, my symptoms are much much better. I can use stevia without a problem. Good luck with your journey and please share if you find any answers also.