What's the best and easy way to lose 80lbs



  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member

    Plan your meals for the day ahead of time
    Drink lots of water
    Fast food in moderation (also planned ahead of time so it fits with your daily goals)
    Move! Even if it's a 15 minute walk, 3 times a week - better than nothing
  • Papalov100
    Papalov100 Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm so thankful for all of u giving me adivce
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    The best way to lose 80 pounds is to eat less (and as healthy and unprocessed as you can get) and to work your butt off with exercise. It's far easier to exercise it off than to do it by eating better alone. But you must do both to lose the weight. Oh, and drink more water. Other than a little caffeine, it's the only thing I drink most days.

    A little bit, day by day, and next thing you know you'll be a smaller you!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    OK, it looks like you're barely eating, 300-500 calories a day, until you break down and have a 7000-calorie day. It would be great if you could plan out your days ahead of time so that you're getting a decent amount of food. And you want to reduce the amount of fast food and processed foods you're eating.

    But, you also need to look at why this is happening. Why are you eating so little on most days? And are the high-calorie days a reaction to the fact that you're starving, or are they binges triggered by something else?

    It looks like you have some habits that need to be changed, and it isn't going to happen overnight. It's going to take some patience and work.

    Also, it looks like you never cook at all. Do you know how? If not, it's not as hard as you might think. You can find a lot of really easy recipes that are way healthier than going out.
  • SummerLovesPhil
    SummerLovesPhil Posts: 242 Member
    I would suggest making your first goal just to track your food accurately every day. Just the act of tracking helped me a lot. After you've done that for a week, you can decide which changes to make first.
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    Get rid of the processed carbs. You'll be amazed.
  • cubanita28
    cubanita28 Posts: 42 Member
    Eat less, move more. And there will be nothing easy about it. :)

    Very true - I on the beginning of week five and I'm doing the P90X workout program and I agree that it has not been easy but I am down 9 pounds and feeling great (I still need to lose 62 pounds). Just think positive and don't look at this as a diet and exercise plan - look at it as a new you and a new way of living. Stay positive and you will do great. Remember that even the smallest loss is a step in the right direction :-) Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Best: Whatever works for you
    Easy: Cocaine

    Seriously, find something that works for you and, most importantly, that you can stick with. You're going to find a lot of "My diet is the best thing ever" claims but they are all lies if it won't stick. As for easy, I don't think it exists. You're going to have to work for it unless you're a personal friend of Tony Montana. Good luck!
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    A MFP{Back2Basic} posted this for another question and maybe you will find some advice here now that I have seen your diary;

    "Think of calories like money. Say you want to save $3,000 this month. You get $1,300 a day, but for some crazy reason you HAVE to spend $1,200 each day (Say for rent and bills) Now, if you only spend that 1200 a day, you will still save your $3000 by the end of the month. But you also can work for extra money. So one day, you work really hard and made an extra $500! Woohoo! But, you spent a lot of gas getting to work that day and need some more. There are a few things you can do. 1.) Ignore that you used gas, and save all $500. This will lead to an empty tank and you'll run out of fuel. 2.) You can get all the gas you want, and hey, why not get premium and spoil yourself. After all, you earned that extra $500. Might as well spend it all! Of course, nothing really happens this way. You will reach your goal in one month still. 3.) You can spend a little bit to make sure you don't run out of fuel and save the rest. This results in you having enough gas to get through the day, and at the end of the month, you'll have extra money saved!!

    Hope that makes sense. I was worried to eat the exercise calories back until one day i was STARVING. I remembered to add my exercise for the day and got an extra 900 calories. I ate until I was no longer hungry, and actually ate 900 calories when I totaled it up. I try to save some if I can, but it's ok to eat them back. "
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I used to eat like that, 400 cal every day until I would break down and have a massive 8000 calorie binge.. That's how I put on weight.
    Eating a steady 1500-1700 cal EVERY DAY including fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy carbohydrates and plenty of protein has helped me lose 33lb so far.
    Exercise is very important. I lost my first 20lb without exercise, but once I started seeing weight come off, I felt motivated to work out.
    Don't consider this "a way to lose eighty pounds" consider this a way to a healthier, longer life with more energy and a fitter body to go with it.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Ashley,
    I Have been a bit back and forth lately not always finding the time to record my food also. Having a plan and rules for myself has been most helpful along with planning my meals ahead of time. I am often torn about which plan to follow though. There are so many different tracks of thinking about weight loss. Have you found a healthy suggested eating plan to follow such as The Zone, South Beach Diet, or The 17 Day Diet or something else that looks Like a fit for you? Do you have forms of exercise you enjoy?
  • Papalov100
    Papalov100 Posts: 1,593 Member
    The only I really enjoy doing is swimming thats it
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    The only I really enjoy doing is swimming thats it

    Swimming is just about the perfect exercise. Do it.
    I'll echo what everyone else has said. Eat less - move more. Do not expect this to be easy because it won't be. But you are worth the battle and the changes that will happen mentally and physically to you.
    If your diary is right you need to change some things. Start making mini goals and changing things bit by bit. First goal... Log every day. Every thing. Without fail. Next... Eat your allotted calories every day. Don't starve. Starve leads to binge. Next... Cook more. Prep your food. Plan. Make better choices if you do have to eat out. Try new foods new ways.

    You can do it.
  • Papalov100
    Papalov100 Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm not a very big breakfast eater