wxyz9 Member


  • Bummer! Think you might need to up your intake a bit in general?
  • I know this wasn't directed at me, but, I totally agree that the average person is capable of sussing out good information and coming to accurate conclusions when it comes to their general health. But I do think we have to do a little more "homework" and sort through more information to make an informed decision. I didn't…
  • This. ^^ It's all well and good for me to read about clinical trials and studies but as someone who is less scientifically inclined I don't trust my ability to determine if a study was conducted properly, or my ability to accurately interpret the results. So, like it or not, I am at the mercy of those who are more…
  • Thanks ILovePrimal! :flowerforyou: I'll pick some up this weekend and try it with the ground beef/mayo/shredded cheese/pickle - that sounds fabulous! Is the "Primal" in your user name a reference to Mark Sisson's Primal lifestyle?
    in Avocados? Comment by wxyz9 February 2012
  • I like avocados but I take my life into my own hands whenever I try to cut one in half... is there a trick to doing this? I hardly ever buy them anymore because they're so difficult for me to slice open. As much as I like them, I have really strong feelings about keeping all of my fingers :|
    in Avocados? Comment by wxyz9 February 2012