

  • I read while I'm eating, usually forums like this! Which I know is rude but it helps me to eat slowly :)
  • I'm also in a similar doesn't help that I'm the smallest of my friends to start with but even so, I still have bits I want to sort out! I was a UK size 10/12, just starting to find clothes are getting a bit too big and I'm fitting back into things I haven't worn in a while :) I'd like to be an 8/10 ideally.
  • I'm doing my third 5k in Lancaster on 21st July. First time I did it in 30 mins, last year in 40 mins but this year I'm hoping to get it down to 20 mins! Most important thing I've found is to get some really good trainers, yes they can be expensive but you'll be grateful for it when you cross that finish line!
  • I'm in Lancaster :) Started on here 2nd January but no friends yet! Feel free to add me :)
  • my weight went way up for like 2 weeks! I put on 3lbs that week but the week after I was back down and lost another lb so I think in future I'll ignore the scales around that time! This was my first one since starting on MFP so it was interesting if a little disheartening to see!