missyelliot22 Member


  • mmmmm sounds tasy i think Il give this a wee go cheers petal Sheona x
  • :smile: Hi Definitely agree with what everyone is say especially keeping track of your food intake and if you are doing a lot of excercise then you may need to each more. When you put your exercise into the fitness pal it automatically gives you more calories to work with for that day. Keep going, as you lose more and…
  • Hiya these sound lovely and atleast you know whats in them unlike some of those ones you get from stores. Do you know the nutritional value of these? i.e calories and fat shon x
  • Can someone please tell me whats all this "bump" business? I am confused...
  • Hi these sound lovely. I normally just stick to a sandwhich or a bowl of soup but this helps to make lunch more exciting. What is the salt content within the wraps? I have ate wraps in the past that have been stuffed full with salt which is obviously awful for us. I love tuna so I would prob try tuna with red onion, then…
  • hi im new to this too. So far so good. It seems to be a good site and easy to stick too. Hears hoping it works - WILL POWER ha ha ha Sheona xx
  • thank you very much for the warm welcome. So far so good. Its always tough getting started but im feeling bery positive at the moment. thanks again Sheona
  • thank you Pam :happy:
  • Hi everyone Like most people I over ate during Christmas and Newyear, so I am not trying to shift a stone to get back into my lovely summer clothes. I have tried many diets but I am not 24 and its strange but it just seems much harder to lose it these day :cry: So i thought I would create this profile and attempt to record…