natalieanthony Member


  • checked out these books online. Holy would these be helpful. thx
  • Funny you should ask. I'm going to pick up my protein powder tomorrow. I am primarily vegetarian, i sometimes eat seafood and fish. I also don't eat any sugar at all, only a select few natural sweeteners so no splenda or suculose or any of those half sugars. I chose vegasport performance protein because they use stevia to…
  • that is so smart and creative, I am making a four course meal but now i feel inspire art wise! totally awsome! Happy Valentine's Day!
  • I am not but i am a Pescetarian who refrains from occasional eats purely raw or purely fruit and veggie to detox and fast. I am well read and have a keen interest in Raw, I happen to be a vata though and do not enjoy food cold for the most part. If i can be of any help let me know.
  • this is the best I don't have a madolin but I use parchment paper and skip on the oil, its unnecessary and super fattening. sometimes I add cinnamon. but usually not.
  • I've been hanging on to this video wanting to start it going to try tomorrow am. Im so in for this. I have already lost nearly 10 lb since I started fitness pal but I havent been working out I need all the help i can get in that department for motovation. ADD ME :D