drcoleman Member


  • I found the Couch to 5K program to be totally doable. I used the smartphone app, which took all the guesswork out of it: It tells you when to alternate walking and running. I could not run one lap around the local track when I started, but I was diligent with the program and can now bust out a 5K run with ease. I…
  • There is absolutely no reason to have this done. There's no evidence that it does anything beneficial that your body doesn't do on its own, and it can actually be damaging. Bogus pseudoscience at best.
  • Yet another vote for Couch to 5K. There are some good smartphone apps that make it even easier; they basically tell you when to start walking and start running. When I began C to 5k, I couldn't run half a lap without being absolutely winded. After I finished the program, I've been able to run over 3 miles with ease. Just…