Shankel27 Member


  • Hi everyone, Im 33, single, not new to MFP but new to the message boards and groups. I've been trying to loose weight for years now (smh) and am tired to losing 10 lbs in the summer and gaining 15 over the winter. Now I surrender and will stop trying loose this weight alone; I've realized that I definitely need support…
  • I love oatmeal (Quaker old fashioned) with raisins for breakfast in the winter and green smoothies for warm days. Both seem to stick with me through mid morning
  • I also have a big problem with sweets, in the morning, lunch, after dinner, whenever. The first thing I did was cut out sweets before changing the rest of my diet. Now I am gradually making other changes but to cut everything at the same time would spell disaster for me.
  • I'm just starting out and have a goal of losing 25 lbs by June 1st.
  • Im 5'7, started at 211 and not down to 198. My goal weight is 165-170. I'm at a size 10 at that weight which is where I am comfortable.