5'8" Woman and Curious About Other 5'8" Women



  • Thank you all for sharing!!! It is cool to see how we are all around the same height, but we all have different body types and weight goals! Good luck to everybody on their weight loss journey :D
  • ballerina_tea
    ballerina_tea Posts: 41 Member
    I agree frame is everything. This was me around 130, which might sound like a low number to some but it was ideal on me. I maintained this weight easily when I was a health nut, so I think it's healthiest too. I actually feel like weighing more makes me LESS curvy, because I lose my waist and my normally nice *kitten* turns to cottage cheese. lol


    At my highest weight (158) my face even looked worse and turned round. I got a beer belly and bat wings, not cute. lol I just don't get why some of my friends get flat out angry if they find out I'm losing weight, because I was much happier before, and they never said I was too thin at 130. I shouldn't have to defend what makes me happy and feel sexy, you know?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am 5'8' and am at goal - 128 pounds.. I have a small frame and a trip to the doctor confirmed my healthiest weight range is 126-136. My heaviest was 174 and I was pretty miserable. I am 53 years old. I honestly can say it is easier for me to maintain at this weight now than when I tried to maintain my Weight Watchers Goal of 139 20 years ago. Seriously, I think how you feel and your energy level is very dependent on your body type and the types of activities you want to do.
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'8" and started at 223. I'm 154 now and my goal weight is 135 (my pre-pregnancy weight). I have a largish frame so I'm wearing a size 14 jeans still and all I really want is to be able to fit into my favorite size 10 jeans again from Aeropostale (they used to go on sale often so I've got 10 pair sitting in my closet waiting to be worn again).
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    i started at 162lbs and a size 10/12, now I tend to fluctuate between 135-139lbs and I'm average a size 4, depending on brand.
  • terridyment
    terridyment Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5'7 started at 230 3-4 years ago. Currently I am at 174/172 and a size 12/10 pants( depending on cut) and a size small to large in tops. I like to get reach a goal of 165 (size 8/10 in pants).
  • kewpiecyster
    kewpiecyster Posts: 154 Member
    I am 5'8" and my highest weight recorded was 375. I got myself down to 300 on my own - and have lost an additional 9 pounds here. I am currently 290.
  • Shankel27
    Shankel27 Posts: 5 Member
    Im 5'7, started at 211 and not down to 198. My goal weight is 165-170. I'm at a size 10 at that weight which is where I am comfortable.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I agree frame is everything. This was me around 130, which might sound like a low number to some but it was ideal on me. I maintained this weight easily when I was a health nut, so I think it's healthiest too. I actually feel like weighing more makes me LESS curvy, because I lose my waist and my normally nice *kitten* turns to cottage cheese. lol


    At my highest weight (158) my face even looked worse and turned round. I got a beer belly and bat wings, not cute. lol I just don't get why some of my friends get flat out angry if they find out I'm losing weight, because I was much happier before, and they never said I was too thin at 130. I shouldn't have to defend what makes me happy and feel sexy, you know?

    Everybody carries their weight differently. You look healthy and beautiful in that pic. No need to justify to anyone else. 130 pounds is still within the healthy BMI range for your height. (I'm 130 too.)
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    RIght now my goal is 130. But I think that is the lowest I could get while still being healthy, so if I feel comfortable before that I will stop then.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I'm 5'8" my goal is 164 which is the top of my healthy weight range. Once I get there, I will re-evaluate. I'm pretty happy with how I look now (174) but I had been overweight/obese for so long that I never dreamed I would even get to this weight. =)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I'm 5'8, starting (and highest) weight was 245ish. I've been there once before. Since I have so far to go, my first level goal is 180. I'll re-evaluate once I get closer. In my teens (was still 5'8 then), I went from about 215 to 145 by means of a very unhealthy VLCD and I looked gaunt as f***. 145 doesn't sound extrememely low for 5'8, but I had no butt, no boobs to speak of, my arms and legs were like twigs and you could count my ribs and every notch in my spine, but that's just how I carry on my frame. The smallest size I could fit over my protruding hip bones was a 7-9. My family and friends were constantly on my back and threatening to "get me help" if I didn't start eating "normally". I was exercising but I didn't know anything about strength training back then so that would have been a big factor in my frail appearance as well.

    The last time in my adult life that I got down to the 180-190 range I looked curvy and trim, and was wearing pants 11-13. At that time I wasn't exercising at all, so I have a feeling once I get back to that general vicinity while continuing to exercise, I'll be somewhat satisfied with what I see... but like I said, I'll re-evaluate once I get there.

    It is weird how different one looks losing weight in a healthy way versus unhealthy. When I was 23-24 I got myself down to my previous low weight of 227 by basically just not eating. I ate a small bowl of rice and a spring roll every day and 3-4 bottles of Diet Coke, and I looked STRANGE with huge hollow eyes and gaunt face, everyone asked if I was sick. Now at 36 I weighed in at 220 this morning and I look healthy.
  • Im 5'8 and about 143lbs, my goal weight is 135lbs but i was 130 when i was 20 (22 now). I prefer to be 130 but I am not sure how manageable this will be for me.
  • I understand. I have legitimately lost friends as Ive lost weight, most of it is their jealously.
  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5'8, 43 yo and I weigh 136 lbs.
    My original goal was 140 but trying to figure out maintenance I ended up losing more.

    After I had my kids I weighed 125lbs so I think I might try to get down to that just to see how I look.
    I think I will probably end up coming back to 136 though.

    I really need to get more in to exercising though. I want to lift heavy and be strong, along with being healthy. If I end up weighing more but am strong with good muscle definition then I wouldn't care.
  • rtwinrn06
    rtwinrn06 Posts: 51 Member
    I am almost to my first goal-to be under 200 (4 to go!). Highest weight was 375+, developed an allergy to scales after that weigh-in.
    My lowest was 155 in HS, but not focusing so much on the scale anymore, just how I look/feel. Plan on losing more, but now my goals are directed towards improving my eating habits and my exercising habits.
  • I'm 5'9" and my starting weight was 241. I'm now at 230. My goal is 135. I weighed in my 130's up until I hit 30 and then stayed in the 140's until age 40.

    I'm 52 now and feel that 135 would still be a good weight for me.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm 5' 8, currently 134 lbs over what my goal was of 130 lbs, due to lifting heavy
  • rkasper22
    rkasper22 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone! I am around 5'7'' more or less, and am around 160 right now. my highest was 180, and my lowest was 115. I thnk my goal is around 140-145. I am young and pretty active, so i think that'd be right for me. i was 130 in high school but now i have... womanly hips :)
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    I started at 185 and am now between 146-150 (fluctuates up and down for the last couple months). I lift heavy and have a tonne of leg muscle. I don't think its possible for me to get lower then this with the muscle, I also have a larger frame. Someone at my gym who is the same height as me said that they loved my muscle and that they could not build like that, they were super thin and trim and looked great, I told them that I could never look like her, but I could look built, you work with the body type you are given. ;)