

  • I have them and love them :) just a heads up, because you run differently in them, you'll feel it in different places! My shins really hurt the first couple times I used it. I like to switch these up and occasionally wear my sneakers too, makes me feel like I'm working more muscles!
  • Great suggestion! As a vegan, I get this all the time with portobello mushroom substituted for the chicken. Without the tortilla (or even with a couple if you prepare for it) should be great! DONT *kitten* with those chips tho!! Crazy amount of calories!
  • great advice! I'm gonna start doing that too!
  • @TavistockToad - Exactly! @size10againx @qtgonewild - Of course I wouldn't say to him that I think he's fat and he needs to lose weight, but I need to be honest with him. Which is why I posed the question - what's the best way to do this without sounding like I'm attacking him. And if the shoe was on the other foot, I hope…
  • He seems to be pretty happy. He just gets grumpy when there's physical activity involved lol. Any suggestions besides biking/hiking for an activity?
  • That's great advice, only I took him on a hike with me 3 weeks ago and he was so out of shape one of his feet swelled up and he could hardly walk the next couple of days :( Now he uses it as an excuse not to go anymore :( :( BUT - I LOVE the idea of showing him an old picture and maybe having a new one right next to it?
  • :-| yea I had the same thing when I first started :( It can definitely be frustrating. I was 212 in high school 180 in middle and desperately wanted to lose weight. I tried all the fad diets and nothing worked!! Finally, once I got out of school and moved out of my parents house I was able to lose weight! I got down to…
  • what do you mean 5:2 diet? You should be able to do any workout while on a "diet" Word of advice too having been someone who tried diets too many times... I have lost 35lbs and kept it off for 3 years... just make lifestyle changes. Eat healthy foods - whole foods/grains/legumes/etc cut out AS MUCH PROCESSED FOOD AS…
  • Most DEF -> insecurity. Reassure him that you love him and care about him regardless of how he looks, and you know he feels the same way about you. You're losing weight and changing to a healthier lifestyle for YOU and you alone. There will always be someone who talks **** - as long as you're happy with yourself that's…