karenfaber Member


  • If you're lucky, it isn't plantar fasciitis. With a stress fracture, you're out a defined number of weeks. PF can take MONTHS to heal. I'm just now up to decent mileage after PF first reared its ugly head last August.
  • Right now I'm at 122. It said my ideal race weight was 116. I set pretty much every PR in 2013 when I weighed 115. So I'd say spot on for me, and I need to get on losing a few pounds before fall marathon time!
  • I ran between 4:30 and 5 hour marathons for three or four years. Then I had to take a several month break from running (injury) and I gained about 15 pounds. When I came back I couldn't even break 5 hours. I lost 30 pounds and ran a 4:12 using an intermediate Higdon plan. And then I upped my miles. I trained for a 50 miler…
  • I'd do exactly like you're planning (I travel for races a lot, trying to do a marathon in all 50 states and I'm 25 down, 25 to go). The only times I'd travel on a Saturday for a Sunday race would be a) if it was not that far - 3-4 hours or less, b) if I didn't have the vacation time, in which case I definitely wouldn't…
  • I"ve always said I prefer smaller marathons. And I've run some beautiful small marathons. But the absolute best most amazing experience I've had was running Boston last year. And I've heard New York is just as good if not better. So I'm running it this November (just got confirmation of my entry through non guaranteed time…
  • New here, this seemed like a good place to jump in. I was on track for another 2,500 mile year until plantar fasciitis hit in August, causing me to blow off my fall goal marathon and drastically reduce mileage. I ended up with 1,858 for the year. Goals for next year are to get rid of this PF completely and get back into…
  • Figure out what you want and buy it on Craigslist. A lot of people buy them, decide it's too hard and sell them practically brand new. I got mine (CycleOps fluid) for about 1/4 of the retail price, and know a couple other people that have found similar deals.
  • I started running almost 5 years ago and always joked "I'll qualify for Boston when I'm 80". I just turned 45 so my BQ time is 3:55. Last year my PR was 4:26, set in January. I got injured in May, and I didn't do a good job of coming back from that - kept trying to do too much too soon. Last October I ran a marathon in St.…
  • I have a 305 I don't use anymore, a 110 I use for a lot of my regular runs, and just got a 310XT that I use for ultras and on my bike as well as for running. The 305 is bulky, but works on the bike as well. Water resistant, but not waterproof. Don't really use it much anymore, plus it gets kinda wonky sometimes when…
  • I started at 147 and now I'm at 115. Original goal was 125-130 because I didn't know if I could do it. Changed goal to 115-120 and hit that a couple months ago. Now maintaining. Best part about the weight loss is that I'm a runner, and I'm A LOT faster with 32 less pounds to lug around. Worst part is finding clothes that…
  • I'm running my first 50-miler this Saturday. In the last four years I've run 14 marathons and 4 50Ks in addition to many half marathons, 10Ks, 5Ks, relays, etc. I've also dropped 32 pounds since the beginning of the year. I doubt I've ever been healthier than I am right now. My blood pressure is generally around 90/70 and…