gibnic Member


  • Hi, I'm Nicole. I am a 32 year old mother of 4. I have been a member of MFP for quite a while, and my weight loss has been a long journey. I have seen so many people come on here and lose weight quickly, just by working out and eating healthier. This is not my path though I guess. I have been plodding along at a very slow,…
  • Yes, it was awesome. I think I will take one more day off... thanks for the input =)
  • Thanks everyone, this is encouraging.
  • Thank you, this helps. I made my diary public so you can all see it. I do have fats in my diet, I meant that I avoid junk and I limit high fat foods. I don't deprive myself, as you can see if you look at yesterdays food log, when my family went out for sundaes after dinner, I went too, I just split my sundae with my…
  • Lol, who would have ever thought, eat more to loose weight! Ok, I will try it though. Thanks everyone!
  • So I should be aiming for around 1800-1900 calories a day? When I work out of course...
  • Hello, I can relate. I want to lose 47lbs this year. I have always been a bit chubby, but this is the biggest I have ever been, and I am ready to make major changes in my life in order to reach my goal. I found this site last night, and it looks great. We can do this! I am here if there is anything I can do to help support…