judirwest Member


  • I need to lose about 50lbs so I'm in! I've been off track for several months so need some motivation to get my train back on the right rails. My fitness goal is the Disney Princess Half Marathon in Feb. Although not a vegetarian permanently, I have been pescatarian in the past. I rarely eat red meat- we do mostly turkey,…
  • I'm back too. This has been a rough year for me personally so wasn't as focused on my health as I should be. But I'm back on track now. My sister and I registered for the Disney Princess Half Marathon in Feb so that is my fitness goal (I hate running but heard that this was one of the most fun events out there). I have…
  • Bingeing is my downfall. I usually love to hit the gym and work up a good sweat but I know I'm in trouble when I just don't feel like it. Those are the days that are the hardest on my diet too. I had one of those days this week (they tend to come about every two weeks for me) and I was shocked at the total calories I ate…