Hole crap guys....



  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    1000 calories split into 5 days is 200 calories - eat 200 calories less a day or excersise 200 calories more and the "binge" didnt happen.

    I was silly yesterday and silly foods instead of not being lazy when I was hungry and making a good dinner. I was over my calorie goal and was feeling crap about it... However... This morning I was back on track, drinking my water and moving on....

    I keep saying over and over

    "if I had kept going everytime I had a hiccup, I would have been at my goal weight long ago"
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm freaking disgusting.

    This is the only thing in your post that is worrisome. You are not, "freaking disgusting."
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    but you logged it - you didn't hide it from yourself, or from us, that's strength right there. knowing is half the battle, and the other half is not killing yourself over doing it. back in saddle and ride, girl!!

    I agree.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    It is just one day. Guess what? It will happen again in the future also.

    Beating yourself up about it is worse than the actual calories. It is something we have to learn. I still do. I beat myself up this weekend after a 2500 calorie fried catfish incident. doh
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    I agree with others, 1000 calories isn't a crazy binge :) especially when you think about what you probably ate before you started journaling...keep your head up, you are doing fabulous :)
  • You are NOT disgusting!! It happens to all of us from time to time. Just move on, tomorrow WILL be better. Don't beat yourself up over one day.
  • I don't think you folks who are coming here saying "that's not a binge" are being really helpful. A binge is defined by the feelings surrounding the intake of food, not the ACTUAL intake of food. Just as one can binge on things that are healthy, one can binge and STILL have the calorie intake for the day be within normal limits.

    To the OP: try to look at your feelings surrounding the binge; what led to it; how you felt afterward. Try to figure out what you might do next time you are faced with a similar circumstances or feelings. As another poster mentioned, do NOT react by restricting your intake for the rest of the day/week drastically; basically, just get right back on your plan and carry on. No punitive exercising is allowed either. Just evaluate what happened and then move on.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    I equate 1000 as one pint of ice cream. Totally do-able. I know it's easy to think bad stuff when you go overboard, but at this point it's already done! Hopefully you thoroughly enjoyed it :) Now...look forward. Tomorrow is a new day and try to eat healthy tomorrow since you indulged today!
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    but you logged it - you didn't hide it from yourself, or from us, that's strength right there. knowing is half the battle, and the other half is not killing yourself over doing it. back in saddle and ride, girl!!

    And here I thought I was going to be all cute by bringing up my childhood G.I. Joe quote! I was beaten to it. "knowing is half the battle". But seriously, I did that the other night myself. Not a horrible thing, your body will react over a longer period of time than we do. We think in days, to our bodies it is more like a week or so. All ya need is 2 good workouts this week and the problem is solved. "Go forth and sin no more", well sin no more without accounting for it.
  • jrojeck
    jrojeck Posts: 51 Member
    I easily ate almost a full day's worth of calories in one sitting at Korean BBQ a couple weeks ago. Granted, I woke up late and it was my first meal of the day. Also it was so much meat that it kept me full for the rest of the day.

    It's super easy to consume 1000 calories in one sitting. That's why it's so important to exercise, you can get bonus "spending calories" if you want! =D
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    OK, everyone addressed the food issue.

    I want to address the BIGGER issue.

    YOU'RE NOT DISGUSTING. So, please, stop that thinking right now. That can lead to a pretty vicious little cycle.

    Ok, you ate. You recognized. Now go do something about it. And, no calling yourself disgusting is not an option. Go walk, swim, run, skip, play with a dog. But move for a while. You'll feel better.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Another thought....i have been an emotional eater my entire life. And it led to pretty much all of my weight gain. I have seen a lot of people lately saying binging and feelings etc, which i can totally relate to. But, sometimes i think the body is seriously craving something and it's not emotional at all. Google 're-feeding days' and read the article on bodybuilding.com. If you have been eating healthy for a few days or weeks, this could explain your urge too?
  • ya, I believe that was a binge. Now read this:


    Um, how have I not known about this blog until now?! Thanks-this was funny but got the idea through my thick skull!!
  • but you logged it - you didn't hide it from yourself, or from us, that's strength right there. knowing is half the battle, and the other half is not killing yourself over doing it. back in saddle and ride, girl!!
  • Totally agree! Great encouragement!
  • judirwest
    judirwest Posts: 3 Member
    Bingeing is my downfall. I usually love to hit the gym and work up a good sweat but I know I'm in trouble when I just don't feel like it. Those are the days that are the hardest on my diet too. I had one of those days this week (they tend to come about every two weeks for me) and I was shocked at the total calories I ate that day. Individually, what I ate wouldn't have been so bad on a normal day. But together it was quite the calorie count. So I try not to let those days define be, and just move on in my journey.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Like other posters mentioned, you're not disgusting because you ate 1,000 calories in one sitting! That really is not that awful, believe me, It is like half a meal at a restaurant, not including appetizers. If you really feel bad about it, do some exercising or go for a walk to make up for some of the extra calories or work out a little more tomorrow.

    Sometimes you need to give yourself a day off from strict dieting in order to stick to the program longer. I know I take a break every few weeks. As long as it is not something you do every day, you'll be fine!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    i find myself doing this when I don't eat much through the day and I try to cook a good meal, i will eat everything in site...i did it last night and making it a point not to do again.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    to me that's an insane binge! Just learn from it and move on. Big eye opener right there!
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Its OK.. 1000 isn't great for one meal for sure.. but it could have been so much worse... Your body will use that fuel in a day or so.. It won't get stored as fat that quickly :) Here's some food for thought.. Jack in the Box has started serving a Bacon Milkshake.. one large shake has 1200 calories .. :O