
  • You are sooo right- My doctor is always on me about sleeping for health and weight control. Your body needs time to heal and rest in order for your metabolism to be at the top of its game. Also less time awake=less time to eat, snack, graze. Unfortunatly for me I work the graveyard shift which I am convinced got its name…
  • I just started too- i joined a while back but justed started using it today- I find it almost impossible to keep track of my meals and caloric intake- I work overnights 4nights a week- I am off 3 days- It is not bad the days I work or 2 of my days off but today for instance- I was up at 10am (cause I didnt work Thursday…
  • Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to look that up for me- I am going in to adjust it now-
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