

  • I'm 43 and YES! You will lose weight!! It just takes a lot of discipline and motivation. I've regained the 15 pounds that I lost three years ago, but it was all due to binge eating and eating too many cookies with my kids and other sweets. I love to bake and that's why I made the "cockroach" chocolate cake as my photo…
  • "Add more fiber to help satisfy your hunger such as red peppers, spinach, mushrooms, ect. They are super low in calories btw. Also, you can add a 1/4 cup of low fat mozzerella cheese to further add taste, and add a bit of calcium. Don't forget to top it off with a yummy couple of tablespoons of salsa. " That DOES sound…
  • Have you tried protein shakes? How about thick, old-fashioned oatmeal cooked with berries of your choice added in? Cream of wheat is also filling. Small meals spread throughout the day also have helped me. Eating eggs in moderation shouldn't be a problem, at least it hasn't for me. Good luck with your goals!
  • Deleted it months ago and feel so much better. Less drama, more time for REAL life. What a narcissistic piece of garbage that Facebook is! A forum like this one is much more helpful. It serves a purpose. Good to know that other people out there think Facebook isn't all that great.
  • Way to go!! You look totally different now!:smile:
  • Yes, it's about 550 or even more depending on your weight. I just started Zumba classes myself and LOVE it!!! Have fun!!:smile:
  • have you tried Hoodia? It's good for cutting back the appetite.