

  • hah I got it lol- Right on, I feel a little less discouraged now reading your guys' posts so thanks again- WooooWhooooo to all you awesome mfp people...
  • Right on!!!! thank you friends- Im ganna really take this into consideration..I might need to eat a little more actually throughout the day- well more substance stuff..I think I shocked my body because I literally went from chowing on everything and anything to one Monday starting this workout deal so my body prob didnt…
  • yea- and everything seems accurate but reading a blog and article today said I should always have a 500 calorie deficit at the end of the day for someone my weight and height specifically for weight loss...I wonder if im just gaining muscle I dunno :sad:
  • Ugh I know that feeling, they gave me a list of stuff I couldnt take and even benedryl, Nyquil, everything bagels :( and a bunch of other stuff was on there- LAME!!!!!
    in Jack3d Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • It shows positive for amphetamines because of the geranamine or 1,3-Dimethylamine
    in Jack3d Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • haha nice ok cool :)
    in Jack3d Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • Yikes Im on probation too till Oct :( I wonder how long it stays in your system, that is good to know.
    in Jack3d Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • Try just half a scoop about 30 mins to your workout- Up the dose if you dont feel it but I did on just a half scoop :) let me know how you like it..
    in Jack3d Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • The product is safe and its weird because I cant do 5 hr energy either but this stuff I can handle and Gave me great endurance. I only take half a scoop as opposed to 1 full one though.
    in Jack3d Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • No need to yell at me Crazy Steve-:)
    in Obama Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • Thank you I was unaware-:embarassed:
    in Obama Comment by caliqd January 2012
  • Wow!!!! AWESOME!!!!!! LMFAO
  • UNICORNS AND GLITTER!!!!!!!! lol
  • WOW!!!!! LMFAO It actually was quite entertaining...
  • I didnt want to bother reading anymore past the 3 page of replies but am ganna say- If you have the right to post about what you DONT like well that in return is offending someone else out there who either created it or begs to differ with your PERSONAL OPINION. So how are you better for giving it and not recieving...You…
  • I blame "that time of the month" for everything- I def bloat and retain water 3 days before up to the last day of my period-its so misleading to have to see the scale numbers go up but just keep being consistent on your weigh in days and eventually you will see a pattern.You will start to notice if the scale tilts a little…
  • This is when we wish we had the balls to say " well since you know everything about me including my weight I think I should know all about you and your weight and next year we will compare notes doc" lol My head thinks it but if only I could say it... Because really we are trusting these people with our health, we should…
  • Way to go- great inspiration especially for us single moms- You must feel amazing and he must feel like poo :)