

  • So you are advocating 700 or less calories for people unable to lose weight? I have seen some diets of people trying to lose weight and that is their calorie count for the day, not even mentioning the amount of exercise they are doing besides. Yet they haven't lost any weight. So they eat even less! And exercise more! And…
  • I actually live in the States, but I am about 5 miles from Cornwall, Ontario!
  • Gender: Female Age: 48 Height: 5'4" SW: 232 CW: 216.5 GW: 150 I'm a single mom of 3 boys, youngest being 16, oldest 23. I recently discovered a love for photography, and I want to lose weight to go on hiking trips in the mountains, etc. I'm waiting on my youngest to graduate HS, then when he goes to college, I'm taking…
  • You'll never see my body in a bikini (you're welcome) no matter how thin I get. However, I don't begrudge others for being proud of their hard work and wanting to show it off. I say "You Go Girl!"
  • Haven't read all the replies yet, but at Zumba the other night, the instructor and I were talking about sizes. I wear size 22 or xxl. I look in the mirror at myself and get disgusted. She thought I was about a size 16! I wish! So maybe what I see in the mirror isn't true to life. I have a hard time getting myself believing…
  • LOL...please don't take my woman card away as I had no idea what TOM was! Finally figured it out! I get that way too! I don't get periods anymore because I had an ablation, but I still get that monthly craving for just anything sweet or salty! This too shall pass. Just work out harder. I don't log in when I have a pig out…
  • Hmmm...there you go Simon. Most everyone who is overweight goes through this! Guilt is the number one cause of obesity in my book! We all suffer guilt for some reason or other. To ease that guilt, we all do something to sabatoge ourselves. It could be anything, but I, along with others, choose to overeat. As to the reason…
  • Yeah, I'd be pretty hungry on only 1200 calories too! Up it to at least 1500. I hardly every reach my 1590 calorie limit, but I'm never hungry and I'm losing weight. I usually get to 150 - 400 within my limit. At 1200 I'd be so hungry and it'd be so easy to go overboard.
  • Living a healthy, happy life is the best revenge. You don't need to put her in her place. She will most likely gain it all back and then some. Meanwhile, you'll be losing slowly, but it'll be a lifestyle change and will last longer. You don't need to be mean and petty to show face. Just be happy with you, and compliment…
  • Good luck! We are in the same boat. Varying sizes, but all looking for one thing - a more healthy life. This is a great place to help you. Read as much as you can to learn all the different tips to lose weight. Just keep at it!
  • I'm so sorry your mom is being like that to you. Trying to lose weight is HARD and if you don't have the support from the one person who should be supporting you, your mom, then it makes it twice as hard! I don't think you are jealous of her at all. I think you are just tired, and disappointed. Having the surgery does not…
  • Deanne, what you have written looks good. I don't know what the calories are. Perhaps you're eating too far under your daily goal? Your body is holding on to every spare ounce it can. Do you feel comfortable putting your diary on public? That way we can see what your daily goals are and hopefully help you figure it out.
  • Just pick healthy snacks. Popcorn without butter. Nuts. Look at your food and see where you might be able to have a 1/2 of an extra helping. You shouldn't be a lot under, but within 100 or so, I tend to be okay with that. I need to do better also. I have tried to eat more, but I get so full so fast even with eating less.…
  • Welcome to both of you! I'm new here as of the 1st as I'm sure a lot of us are! New Year, New You and all that jazz! I find that having the support of friends to be really helpful! I comment on as many of my friends' statuses as I can. And it helps seeing supportive comments from them as well. I've tracked before on…
  • A crossfit class just had an open house last night, and I went to check it out. I was only there for an hour, and couldn't do some of the "beginner" sections because of a knee injury and I'm just so out of shape! But I did manage to work up quite a sweat and felt good afterwards. There was only one trainer because the…
  • Hi everyone! I would like to lose 80+ pounds before I turn 50 which is in 1 year, 9 months! I need lots of encouragement and am always ready to encourge also. So add me if you like!
  • Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm getting the hang of this place! I would love to be able to swim, but there are no open pools around here. I'd have to travel a bit of a distance to get to a pool. Deanne, thank you so much for the healthy snack ideas! I've been making a list for what to buy when I go shopping this…