Hello! I'm only a few days old and

I need to lose approximately 80 lbs. I am currently at 230 lbs. I have tried various diets on and off through the years. Some have been successful, most not. And I've always gained back plus more. A few people on a message board suggested this site, so I'm giving it a try.

I'm 48, from NY, northern section. Winter in NY is not friendly for working out! I don't want to join a gym because of the cost. I would love to go walking, but I had started walking in the early fall, and my knee gave out on me. So I gave up and gained a lot.

I quit smoking on Halloween of 2011 and would mindlessly reach for candies, chips, whatever to tide me over whenever I wanted to have a cigarette. So that, combined with an injured limb is cause for my weight gain. I'm hoping to keep motivated through the ups and downs I know come with losing weight. Plus looking for alternate exercise that I can do that won't further injure my knee.

Hope to meet more people!


  • OCSami
    OCSami Posts: 8
    First of all, congratulations on being here, and on giving up smoking! Two big steps to a healthy you! Having grown up in the northeast, I know how brutal those winters can be, and how they can get in the way of exercise. Do you have a Wii or Xbox at home? Both of them have some great "games" that include exercise, and there's a wide enough variety that you can probably find something that wouldn't be too hard on your knee. There are other DVDs available too, although I'm not familiar with any specific ones.

    I'm a mindless snacker, and reach for the WORST stuff when I'm bored. It's my biggest dieting downfall. Now that I'm recommitted here, I'm trying to be better about it. If I snack, I'm reaching for fruit - grapes, usually - and only taking what I want to eat, not eating out of the bowl that they're stored in. That is a key for me with any food... If I take the whole bag, I eat way more than I should or even want to. But if I only take enough to satiate the desire, I'm better off. But I'm actually trying to avoid snacking for snacking's sake at all. I'm doing my best to always have a big bottle of water near me, and drink from that before I eat anything. Chewing gum works well for me, too. It keeps me chewing, but not eating. Brushing my teeth works well too... Who wants to spoil that minty taste with food?

    As I said, you're here, and that's a great start. And I know the board you came from, and we have a great support group here already. We can do this!!! :happy:
  • naniwebbEMT
    Hello and welcome!! I have just added friends recently, but have been using myfitnesspal for 2 months and have already lost some weight.
    Stick around and you will do great!! Congrats on the smoking too!!
  • deanne525
    deanne525 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi there,

    I am also from upstate NY, near albany area. Winter has finally hit us here, its been so cold! I walked outside last night and bundled up so much i was actually a little warm! im headed out again in a few minutes. as long as there is no snow outside, im holding off on going to the gym!

    congratulations on quitting smoking...that is huge!!

    I also had about 80lbs to lose. I have lost 30 over the past year, but have really slowed down over the past few months. Now that the holidays are over I am looking to get back in the "losing" mode! I love to snack as well. I know that snacking is not something I can reasonably give up so I have just tried to substitute my snacks for healthier versions.

    Some ideas...
    cut up apple with string cheese or laughing cow cheese. Can also add in some Wasa crackers..they are very filling
    sugar free jello with fat free cool whip
    pretzels and hummus or veggies and hummus
    portion out some lower fat versions of snacks (for instance count out a serving size of baked chips and bag them up so you can grab them easily
    any kind of fruit
    baby carrots give you that crunch and you can dip in some low fat/fat free ranch

    Hope this gives you a few ideas! I am always looking for some motivation, so feel free to ask any questions you have!
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    swimming would be the best for your knee as the water will suport you

    when i gave up smoking a few years ago the nurse told me a craving only lasts 3 mins.. so find something else to do, this is the same for food and drink,
  • JazzBar9363
    Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm getting the hang of this place! I would love to be able to swim, but there are no open pools around here. I'd have to travel a bit of a distance to get to a pool.

    Deanne, thank you so much for the healthy snack ideas! I've been making a list for what to buy when I go shopping this weekend. You've given me some good ideas!

    OCSami, I've just started brushing my teeth! LOL! I mean I've just started using it as a tool to keep from snacking! I normally brush 3-4 times a day! I NOW brush or use mouthwash during the times between meals, so it keeps me from eating. Not only do I not want to ruin a fresh minty taste in my mouth, food tastes HORRIBLE after brushing!

    Thanks again!