

  • Ok, I'll try again! October 15, 2011 March 4, 2012 EDIT - Yay it worked! Sorry they are so big.
  • Wow, you can so see the difference in the pictures! Jen - I feel the same way. I'm over half way to my goal and still don't like what I see. It's opened my eyes to how those with eating disorders see themselves. I'm going to see if I can find a picture to compare. Hopefully this works. EDIT - Ok, I can't seem to get it to…
  • I've done that one too and liked it.
  • With my son I started at 189 and weighed 191 when he was born. Obviously, I lost weight. I had gestational diabetes and lost weight with that diet. I wasn't trying to lose weight, it just happened. He was born at 36w, weighing 5lbs 14oz and was perfectly healthy. All of my kids were small at birth, 5.14, 6 and 6.4, so it…
  • It is the inside of my knees so that helps me figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
  • So if I wear a size 8 in regular sneakers I need to buy a 9 for workout shoes? I will just have to stick to lower impact because financial health is just as important to me as physical health. It will take several months to work into the budget (we're doing the Dave Ramsey plan). Obviously it's something with this workout…
  • Thanks. I'm pretty sure I've been doing some of the things wrong. I've never heard that about the shoes. Unfortuantly, new shoes are not in the budget right now. Any suggestions on which pain reliever to take now to help though?
  • Day 10 DONE! Level 1 DONE!! So ready to move on. Can't wait for weigh in and measurements tomorrow and a new workout. 10 days is too long to do the same thing over and over.
  • I'm having problems with my knee as well. Last year, the first time I tried this I think I ended up quiting after 4 or 5 days because I could barely walk up and down the stairs I was in so much pain. (From my knees not muscle.) Today will be day 9 and I'm waiting until tonight to do it so that I'm giving my knee a little…
  • Me too! I feel like I have memorized everything Jillian says. Physically I still have a couple of problem areas, the back to back jumping jacks/jump rope, the lunges, and the bicycle crunches but I'm getting really bored.
  • I started out walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes at 3.0 MPH, then 20 min and built up to 60 min at 3.5 MPH. Then I added in some aerobics from Netflix and mixed it with Pilates. Now I'm on level 1 day 7 of the 30 Day shred. I just started on January 1 trying to lose weight/work out. For the first 3 weeks I worked out…
  • I'm on day 5 and I can tell I'm getting better with the push ups and crunches and the endurance but I have a really hard time with the lunges. I'm also sick of hearing her talk so much!
  • Good to hear! I'm on Day 3 and going up and down the stairs is killer right now.
  • Day 3 done. Still can't go all the way through without stopping but getting better. I did do all of the cardio for circuit 3 without stopping today! The hardest for me is the jumping jacks/jump rope back to back and circuit 3's ab work. Everything else is tough and I usually take a less than 5 second break but everyday I…
  • Day 2 done. I'm so sore.
  • Well I did it this morning. Had to take some breaks but I did go through the whole 3 circuits. I currently hate Jillian though. But 1 down, 29 to go!!
  • I started it today with a group on here doing it from February 1st until March 1st. So I might be a few days ahead but I'm in!
  • I'm going to try to get up at 5:30 and do it too. I'm using 2 pounds weights. Can't wait to hear how everyone does!
  • 5'3.5" 29 yrs SW - 176.8 CW - 167.0 GW - 140 Sending you a message!
  • Yikes! Just added my measurements. Can't wait to see those numbers go down!!!
  • Things are going good over here. My husband has lost 12.6 pounds and I weighed in this morning and have lost 9.8, so yay! I started January 1st, he started the 3rd I think. This board has been dead so I've been looking around the other boards and I found a group starting the 30 day shred on February 1st and I decided to do…
  • I need to have more endurance. I'm in a large Easter production where I have to sing and dance in several scenes and dancing is hard enough for me (I'm very uncoordinated) but add singing and I'm dying. Once March hits we have 5 performances a weekend, 1 on Fridays, 2 on Saturdays and Sundays, and I don't want to feel…
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Janet, 29 from Virginia. I have 3 kids, 6, 4, and 20 months and want to lose weight before I turn the big 3-0. That's not until November but I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit this summer and since we don't plan on having any more kids this is the first time I actually have time to work on losing…
  • Highlight of the week is I went from the 170s to the 160s. Yay! Other than that I did fit in some jeans I hadn't in a while. I'm just proud of sticking with this as long as I have. I think it's because of the app where I can track everything. I have never gone 3 weeks without soda!!
  • This is day 13 for me and I'm down 4.9 pounds. Only went over my calories on day 1 and have exercised everyday. But I'm hitting a bit of a burn out. I'm missing some of my favorite foods and really just want to eat what I want. But at the same time I don't want to mess up all I've worked for. I just have to push through it…
    in Check in Comment by mom2jrn January 2012
  • Tonight is Hamburger Steak with gravy and mashed potatoes and probably peas. Not sure about the rest of the week yet.
  • Ok, I was so going to do this until I went today and the ones that are $1.89 are ones I don't like. The Turkey one I like is $2.50. I think I'll stick to Healty Choice and Lean Cuisine.
  • I'm really loving this! It makes it so much easier than just "watching what I'm eating." I still hate exercising but like that I can keep track. But the best part is my husband is doing it as well and he's stuck with it for a week which is awesome for him!
  • Yes! With 3 kids, 1 homeschooled and 2 in preschool, lunches are crazy most days because of preschool pickup at 12 and 12:15. Most of those days I don't get home until almost 1 so I need a fast lunch. I pop it in the microwave while I'm fixing the kids their food and by the time I'm done, mine is ready. I don't eat them…