

  • All I can say is Well done from Middle Tennessee!!! This is inspiring...I totally want to accomplish what you have already done!
  • I would say yes....but caution on not overestimating how much you actually walk. Do you have one of those measuring ankle thingies? I suggest that only because until I joined this web site, I was underestimating what I ate, and overestimating how much I this may just be just me, and I may be biased because…
  • You are right Secret.....chivalry makes a man WAY more attractive. And manners. We were just at dinner, and a guy had his stupid hat on. I felt sorry for his wife. Having to stare at him. Maybe she likes the hat. It just seems so ill bred, and chivalry and manners make a man a gentleman, and thus....WAAAAY more attractive.
  • Well, if they pay women genuine compliments, and let us know how attractive we are, and how much we are desired.....Spanish men (in my humble experience) are really good at this.....of course, a lady has to be able to distinguish between pure lust, and if a guy is really into them. That takes practice (wink!)
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