ClareB13 Member


  • Thank you so much guys - it's been hard work but it's all SO worth it :)
  • Thank you all I've been finding the pictures a bit demoralising as I didn't see the changes but it was so nice to look at them today and really notice it :D
  • Fixed them - can't get them side by side and they're still a bit big but at least they're visible now :)
  • Ahhh I didn't know the pictures would come out so big - just trying to resize them now :/
  • I did it :) Lost 6.8lb in May and passed the half way point to my goal. Well done to everyone else. Awesome collective achievement! SW- 237 (1st Jan) CW- 199.6 (1st May) GW - 193.5 UGW - 150 Weigh-ins: 6th May: 196.0 13th May: 194.6 20th May: 195.6 27th May: 194.0 1st June: 192.8
  • That's brilliant, congratulations!
  • That's amazing - well done you! My brother (jokingly) accused me of depriving the dog of food so I could catch him quicker - don't worry, there's no truth in it! I love that puppy far too much to even think that way!!
  • Such a crazy thought that I'm aiming to lose two of him!!!
  • I'm up for this! Here are my stats: Age: 27 Height: 5"6 Starting Weight: 237lb (Jan 1st) Current Weight: 194lb Goal Weight: 150lb
  • Wow - that's amazing!! And yes, it's quite sobering really when you realise things like that
  • Thanks Slrrese!
  • Thank you! Yes, I was going to try that later today and see how it feels carrying the dog up the stairs to my flat (if he'll let me without wriggling too much that is!)
  • SW- 237 (1st Jan) CW- 199.6 (1st May) GW - 193.5 UGW - 150 Weigh-ins: 6th May: 196.0 13th May: 194.6 20th May: 195.6 27th May: 194.0 1st June: Really hope I can hit 193.5 by Friday as that will be my half way point :)
  • Mid-week update 194.2lb so I'm back on track :) Hopefully it'll still be down there when I weigh in properly on Sunday!
  • SW- 237 (1st Jan) CW- 199.6 (1st May) GW - 193.5 UGW - 150 Weigh-ins: 6th May: 196.0 13th May: 194.6 20th May: 195.6 27th May: 1st June: Oops - that's a move in the wrong direction - having my birthday this week didn't help so hopefully the next weigh-in will see me back on track!
  • Hi all! I'm still here too and very nearly half way to my goal :) Congratulations to you all for sticking at it! xxx
  • Congratulations - that' your 5lb lost :)
  • I've been weighing myself every day first thing in the morning and last thing at night for the last two and a half months (in fact today is the last day before I go back to weekly weigh-ins) I was just interested to see the daily and weekly fluctuations. Anyway, my smallest overnight loss was 0.6 pounds and my biggest was…
  • I've done it - 5 pounds down since May 1st :) SW- 237 (1st Jan) CW- 199.6 (1st May) GW - 193.5 UGW - 150 Weigh-ins: 6th May: 196.0 13th May: 194.6 20th May: 27th May: 1st June: My original goal for May was to hit 195 as that means I've lost 3 stone (42 pounds) I've now changed my goal to 193.5 which will be the half way…
  • Best birthday present imaginable - weighed in at 194.6 this morning so I've now lost 3 stone :) SW 237 1st Jan Goal 1 223 Achieved 1st Feb (1 stone lost) Goal 2 217 Achieved 3rd March (20 lb lost) Goal 3 209 Achieved 18th March (2 stone lost) Goal 4 199 Achieved 26th April (Under 200) Goal 5 195 Achieved 13th May (3 stone…
    in Mini-goals Comment by ClareB13 May 2012
  • Such a fantastic achievement - I'm so proud of you :)
  • I know I'm late but I'm in for this one. SW- 237 (1st Jan) CW- 199.6 (1st May) GW - 195 - that will mean I've lost 42 lb (3 stone) UGW - 150 Weigh-ins: 6th May: 196.0 (such a surprise this morning! Think I'll have to re-evaluate this month's goal!) 13th May: 20th May: 27th May: 1st June: This week's NSV: A colleague who I…
  • I know I'm late but I'm in for this one. SW- 237 (1st Jan) CW- 199.6 (1st May) GW - 195 - that will mean I've lost 42 lb (3 stone) UGW - 150 Weigh-ins: 6th May: 13th May: 20th May: 27th May: 1st June:
  • Sun 04/29/12 10:02 AM April 1st: 11 minutes Wii Fit, 45 minutes swimming, 20 minutes walking April 2nd: 95 minutes walking, 22 mins Wii Fit April 3rd: 29 minutes Wii Fit, 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 2 April 4th: 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 3, 16 Minutes Wii Fit April 5th 40 minutes swimming, 30 minutes walking April…
  • April 1st: 11 minutes Wii Fit, 45 minutes swimming, 20 minutes walking April 2nd: 95 minutes walking, 22 mins Wii Fit April 3rd: 29 minutes Wii Fit, 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 2 April 4th: 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 3, 16 Minutes Wii Fit April 5th 40 minutes swimming, 30 minutes walking April 6th: 50 minutes walking…
  • April 1st: 11 minutes Wii Fit, 45 minutes swimming, 20 minutes walking April 2nd: 95 minutes walking, 22 mins Wii Fit April 3rd: 29 minutes Wii Fit, 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 2 April 4th: 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 3, 16 Minutes Wii Fit April 5th 40 minutes swimming, 30 minutes walking April 6th: 50 minutes walking…
  • That's fantastic - what a huge achievement :) Enjoy many, many more walks with your new found fitness xxx
  • Weighed in at 198.4 this morning - SO excited to get under 200 :D SW 237 1st Jan Goal 1 223 Achieved 1st Feb (1 stone lost) Goal 2 217 Achieved 3rd March (20 lb lost) Goal 3 209 Achieved 18th March (2 stone lost) Goal 4 199 Achieved 26th April (Under 200) Goal 5 195 (3 stone lost) Goal 6 185 (BMI down to overweight not…
  • That's fantastic progress! You'll have the next 30 off in no time! I started on Jan 1st on 237lb and hit 200 today - so exciting :)
  • April 1st: 11 minutes Wii Fit, 45 minutes swimming, 20 minutes walking April 2nd: 95 minutes walking, 22 mins Wii Fit April 3rd: 29 minutes Wii Fit, 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 2 April 4th: 20 minutes 30 Day Shred Level 3, 16 Minutes Wii Fit April 5th 40 minutes swimming, 30 minutes walking April 6th: 50 minutes walking…