

  • Very true. I think too many people get caught up in wanting killer abs to remember they need the fat-burning cardio exercise. You can do sit-ups all day but you wont see those muscles under a wall of fat.
  • I'm a useless Brit sorry! I think I get mine for roughly $4 for 125g.
  • :wink: I like that we get to wink lol.
    in USA or UK Comment by Beccaful July 2010
  • Just think of it as giving your metabolism a kickstart!
  • Another vegan here! Glad to see there's a good amount of veggies on this site too. I went veggie at 13, then went vegan about 2-3 years ago. I put off veganism for years as either something completely OTT or the whole love cheese too much. Then I started researching the dairy industry more for some reason and that kinda…
  • [Whenever anyones links dailymail articles in a debate, I can't resist linking this back: - a list of everything the dailymail says will cause you cancer, quite the read lol] There's such a fine line here, on the one hand fruit is beautiful, healthy & nutritious and on the…
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