

  • Cleaning is working, depends on how hard you work, how long, and what your weight is. There are a lot of sources on the web that tell you how many calories you burn doing such things.
  • Try the Scosche myTreck at this link. also available at the apple store. A little pricy, but the strap fits on your arm, near the elbo instead of the chest, which some women have a tough time with. It works with an app available for most smart phones.I use it with my clients, and they…
  • Try slower and fewer reps, with heavier weights, fewer sets, and good form. You want to totally exhaust the muscles that you are training. Make sure those muscles get 48 hours of recovery or you will over train. Change your routine about every 6 weeks, it surprises your body. Eat more calories in the right types of meals…
  • The Scosche my Trek is the BEST on the market, though it only works with iphone 3s and above, it is a really good monitor, it pairs with your iphone by bluetooth, and an app called my Trek from the app store for free, Here is a link to the company. Enjoy!
  • A lot of times when one first starts working out really hard, they will gain some weight, or appear to not lose at all. This is because you are gaining some muscle and losing some fat%, do't worry, women won't bulk up bu doing this, it's just a natural process. Keep doing what you are doing, and I will bet in the next…
  • Great exercises, and excellent goals, however just about all publications I have studied in Kinesiology suggest that you should not exercise the same muscles every day. #1 reason is over training, or over use injury,( each muscle needs at least 48 hours to recover) #2 adaptation,(you simply get used to it, and it defeats…
  • The Scosche myTrek heart rate monitor and myTrek app for iphone is great, it fits on your arm rather than around the chest, much more comphy! Look for it at the apple store or on line at This is an awesome product.