kathylonergan Member


  • My doctor did a metabolism test on me and said I should have a minimum of 1400. I'm 5'3" , 57 years old and somewhat active. I've been having more success with weight loss after pumping up the calories.
  • I knew she would, she asnt really been suceeding with anything else. Yes, she is th effect match for Bob. I like her and thnk I'll enjoy the how more now. She won't take the crap the contestants dealt out the last 2 seasons, that's for sure!
  • And adding to missleah's and wallabear's info, I wanted to share that dairy will actually leach calcium from your bones. In The China Study, Drs. Campbell both point out that the US, UK, NZ and Sweden all consume more dairy than any other nation, yet they also have the highest incidents of osteoporosis! Yikes! At the risk…
  • Okay, first, we don't need as much protein as the skewed govt guidelines suggest. They're highly influenced by special interest groups like cattle ranchers, etc. second, you can get plenty of protein, in fact all the protein you need, from ALL plants, especially seeds, nuts and beans. There are some extremely muscular and…