Vegetarians Protein Suggestions



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  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    beans, lentils, legumes, pumpkin or squash seeds, yeast breads, peanuts, tofu, rice protein powder
  • kathylonergan
    kathylonergan Posts: 4 Member
    Okay, first, we don't need as much protein as the skewed govt guidelines suggest. They're highly influenced by special interest groups like cattle ranchers, etc. second, you can get plenty of protein, in fact all the protein you need, from ALL plants, especially seeds, nuts and beans. There are some extremely muscular and powerful extreme athletes out there that are total vegans. I recommend the following books: Engine 2Diet, Forks Over Knives (there's a documentary too), The China Study, and both of the Happy Herbivores cookbooks for more information.
  • missleah26
    missleah26 Posts: 146 Member
    Okay, first, we don't need as much protein as the skewed govt guidelines suggest. They're highly influenced by special interest groups like cattle ranchers, etc. second, you can get plenty of protein, in fact all the protein you need, from ALL plants, especially seeds, nuts and beans. There are some extremely muscular and powerful extreme athletes out there that are total vegans. I recommend the following books: Engine 2Diet, Forks Over Knives (there's a documentary too), The China Study, and both of the Happy Herbivores cookbooks for more information.

    THIS! Plus, The No-Meat Athlete. Here's Matt's latest post about vegan sources of protein:

    I skip eggs, dairy, and meat and have no problem with my protein intake. I've considered shakes, but haven't gone there quite yet.
  • ablazeoflife
    ablazeoflife Posts: 169 Member
    Very nice thread!!! Awesome posts and I'm totally taking notes on this one. Here's my contribution:

    Vegetarian High Protein Foods:
    Snow Pea Shoots/Sprouts
    Cottage Cheese!!
    Any type of cheese
    Whey Powder/Liquid
    Whole Wheat Bread or Pasta

    Might I add that it's not so much protein itself that is essential, but amino-acids. We need those amino-acids to build proteins for our muscles, to keep our organs regenerating, have good skin, hair and nails etc. Why we are told to eat "protein" is because it ensures that you get all of those amino-acids at once, but otherwise these amino-acids are scattered a little everywhere in all your food and have to be assembled into proteins by your RNA in your cells. Not all foods that have proteins have "complete" proteins either, meaning they don't have all the essential amino-acids your body needs.

    Examples of foods that do have complete proteins are: Quinoa, Eggs, and mixing Lentils and Rice

    Also note: If you eat too much animal protein you tax your kidneys because they are responsible for getting rid of the phosphoric acid it produces, you also tax your digestion because it takes longer to disassemble protein molecules because they are the biggest. You also tax your immune system (50% of it is in your gut) which has to work harder to inspect all that heavy protein. You also make your pH levels go acidic - so you need to balance out with lots of vegetables and water to compensate.
  • kathylonergan
    kathylonergan Posts: 4 Member
    And adding to missleah's and wallabear's info, I wanted to share that dairy will actually leach calcium from your bones. In The China Study, Drs. Campbell both point out that the US, UK, NZ and Sweden all consume more dairy than any other nation, yet they also have the highest incidents of osteoporosis! Yikes! At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy nut, this is just another example of special interest groups influencing our govt to tell us dairy is a necessary part of a healthy diet. It's SO the opposite! Read, read, research, don't look to traditional doctors or te govt for guidelines. I'm frustrated tat I'm finding this all out at 56 years of age, Baum hopeful it'll help me get more fit. I've already lowered my cholesterol from 267 to 199 in just a few short monts. It just kept creeping up and my doctor was going to put me on meds next but I didn't want to do that. Meds like that dont cure anything, they just mask things. Anyway, hats enough out of me. Good luck to you on this new journey!