bandladyjen Member


  • onenikki76, how are you doing so far on the TruVision products?
  • Thinking about getting Trufix and Energy. Does it help with weightloss? What has been your experience?
  • I am thinking of trying this. A distributor just told me about it last week. Are you still seeing results?
  • I took a product called Thermolift from Changes International and it WORKED!!!! Ephedrine (Mahuang) and caffeine in one pill. I took the recommended dosage and lost over 60 pounds in a year. People misused and had strokes but it was safe for those that did not abuse or go out in 100 degree heat and do heavy workouts. Going…
  • This happens to me all the time. I think it may have to do with the amount of sodium I consume from day to day. From what I understand, sodium causes us to retain fluid which then increases our weight. I often times exceed my sodium amounts. It is harder to control than the calories for me.
  • I did Day One Level One last night. I had a little trouble with some of the ab stuff but other than that I kept up pretty well. It will probably feel worse tonight because I have a few sore muscles.
    in 30DS Comment by bandladyjen March 2013
  • I am new to MFP and have a question. My daily calorie goal is 1570 but when I add my exercise it gives me more calories. Am I suppose to eat all of those calories as well? I usually do not use them and try to stay at the 1570 but not sure if that is correct. I usually burn about 300 - 400 exercise calories a day 5 times a…