Why our weight change a lot from day to day?


I weight myself 3 days ago I was 208.8 and I weight myself again thins morning I was 211....
I gained 3 lbs in 3 days and I'm being careful.

I dont understand.



  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    It's likely just fluid retention. Stay the course and keep your eyes on the goal!
  • bandladyjen
    bandladyjen Posts: 7 Member
    This happens to me all the time. I think it may have to do with the amount of sodium I consume from day to day. From what I understand, sodium causes us to retain fluid which then increases our weight. I often times exceed my sodium amounts. It is harder to control than the calories for me.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Do you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Wearing the exact same thing? Did you have a lot of salt the day before? Are you holding on to water from working out? There are zillions of things that make your weight go up and down all the time. Don't weigh yourself every day. It'll drive you insane. Give once a week a shot, or maybe even once every two weeks.
  • rebeccawwalters
    rebeccawwalters Posts: 37 Member
    I see the same thing. I try to weigh at the same time (morning), but only every week/2 weeks. This way, I feel like I can see an actual weight loss versus everyday fluctuations.
  • dullestknife
    Water retention or lack thereof
    muscle gains or loss

    Your weight can fluctuate every single day, so weight yourself at most once a week, the same time of day before you eat. Heck, go 2 weeks between weigh-ins if you can. Don't let the fluctuations frustrate you. If you stick to your plan, you will see results.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    Water weight, simple. Also try to weigh yourself at the same time of day, usually first thing when you wake up before breakfast.
  • bperkins88
    bperkins88 Posts: 357 Member
    Sodium will definitely cause this to happen if its high. Mines been @ 800-1000 most days and it doesnt affect the scales much for me anymore. If its 1500-2000 it does
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member
    THANKS to all of you.
    I will try to weigh myself once a week.:happy: