alevesque1990 Member


  • it works for me just figured i would share.. people don't have to use the idea if they don't want to. they can also do every 10 lbs lost treat themselves there are other ways
  • thanks everyone!! yah you can absolutely use it for any kind of workout!! definitely works!!
  • i love to listen to Florence and the machine, and i don't normally listen to nikki minaj but for some reason alot of her songs make walking on the treadmill easier. I'm a huge country fan but it doesnt seem to cut it for me when i work out!.. i like rock and rap/hip hop when at the gym!!
  • same here i got married in september and want to start a family with past attempts it hasn't happened and i know it is due to being overweight!.. at the same time i want to feel good and have a healthy pregnancy! i dont want to not look pregnant and just super overweight when the special day does happen!! good luck…
  • i tried mfp two times before this and it just never stuck cravings took over way to much!.. but i recently returned from my honeymoon looking at pictures i was ashamed at how much weight i had gained!! i want to be healthy for me!! and my husband who is a diabetic when i diet he follows and both our healths have began to…
  • i haven't bought anything just yet more due to my fiance saying he doesnt wanna jynx us lol.. but i definitely look all the time at yard sales and craigslist.. hell even target and any other store with baby clothes!!.. your not crazyyy its those motherly instincts telling you now is the time!!! =]
  • So i'm back at it again.. i honestly dont remember why i stopped using this site and working out!!.. but started the gym on saturday.. planning on going to the gym every other day so 4 times a week.. my work schedule doesnt allow much more than that!!.. but working on the diet extra hard this time!!.. i have my wedding…
  • hi ladies.. im glad i came across this group because there really aren't any on here for this reason! I am getting married in october and have baby on the brain!!.. me and my fiance have tried recently and just are not have any luck.. i rarely get my period and i know its a weight issue because I was very regular in the…
  • thanks everyone!!.. i was very happy with the loss.. and each day i love the gym that much more.. just with six lbs i feel that much better working out at the gym!! good luck to everyone
  • Congrats!! you look absolutely amazing!!.. and hunnie if i looked anything like you do in that last picture i woul def wear my bikini out!!.. be proud you have accomplished alot!!! =] Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • thank you!!! =]
  • so when are we starting this group!! definitely need support from other brides and wedding attendees looking to shed the lbs!!!
  • thanks for all the suggestions!! i am constantly updating my playlist for the gym cause you need new motivations!!.. keep them coming =]
  • i like this playlist!!!
  • hi.. im actually getting ready for two weddings my bestfriends in september.. and my own in october of 2013!!.. thats the big one im trying to lose for because i do not want to have to be limited in choices of dresses for my wedding day when i should have unlimited choices.. and i would love to just feel amazing!! and not…