

  • I have a lot of physical challenges as well. Over the last 7 months little by little I just keep getting stonger. There are many exercises you can do while sitting. I started with the sitting and using elastic bands. Currently, started doing the daily method 2 weeks ago. It's a cross between pilates, yoga and ballet. It is…
  • Great job. Everything looks more tone, and lifted.
  • Finally got to go on my dream vacation to Venice. Wow, was I out of shape. Those romantic little bridges, were pure torture getting to my hotel room while carrying 30 lbs of lugguage. the final straw, missing my flight in Paris, I ran WHEEZING all the way down the terminal... Never again
  • 2 to 4 quarts of water are essential. Cut down the diet coke. Do not use the NET calorie guidelines. You think you can eat more. Even with exercise, for a woman if you are eating more than 1200 calories a day, you are going to have a hard time taking off the weight. You have to burn over 3500 to loose 1 pound. I agree with…
  • People can be truly horrible, most often when they strike out at others to compensate for their own insecurities. They are also TOXIC! They put you down, and belittle any accomplishments you have made, how you look, what car your drive, etc. (which is more than they can account for). In the end do their opinions matter? NO