maggyrose5113 Member


  • My name is Maggie. I am beginning my fourth week into the program. I didn't like the NuMi app so switched to the MFP app. How does one join the discussion? Read your story. You can do this. So far I am down 12 pounds on NS, but 29 pounds total, with the aid of other programs. I like the food on this program and have…
  • I am rejoining as well. My goal is a 25 lb. weight loss. Met a goal one time, need the motivation to get back on track. It's tough if family isn't that supportive. I need a friend to help motivate and remind me to stick with it. Thanks.
  • Hi, my name is Maggie. I am new to your group, but appreciate the fact that I can be included. I have a stubborn last 10 pounds or so to lose. I say "or so" because I am short (5 ft.) and weigh 123 lbs. I started at 179 pounds! in May, 2010. MFP is a fabulous source. For me, it was the best method for weight loss. But,…
  • I take antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds. I am on several, each handling a different part of the brain! I think if you stick with this calorie counting plan, and watch your carbs and fats, and get a handle on protein, you have an excellent chance of losing. I have a host of issues, not to mention an under active…
  • I just joined this on line group today. I am looking for encouragement and motivation. I am 59 years old and you would think I would know how to lose weight at this age. Any suggestions would be appreciated.