alysonporter Member


  • Mine will say: I can juggle groceries in one arm and 2 kids on the other. I push myself as hard as I can for as long as I can. I celebrate every pound I have lost. And no matter what--I just keep moving forward from where I am and never look back. Never. :happy:
  • I will get my ChaLean Extreme today and I can't wait! :) How do I get to the Chalean Exreme board that everyone is talking about? Please give me a heads up! I want to join! Thanks so much!
  • I don't know if you have heard of ChaLEAN Extreme but it is similar to P90X except it is more focused towards women. (Both women and men can do it though.) I've heard some great things about it. I'm going to be starting it hopefully next week. Maybe you could look into that. Good luck! :) Hopefully this helps!
  • Thanks again for all of your replies! Any other advice before I make my decision on which one to buy? TURBO FIRE or ChaLEAN EXTREME!?
  • bump Thanks for your replies! :)