
Alright, now I know that P90x is a great hit with the guys but what about us gals?? I need to mix up my work out and want something pretty intense. I saw...again... the infomercial for P90x this morning and I thought...why not?

But I have a few questions first. I've been looking at the website and I can't find the page where it tells you what it comes with. I know it comes with the 12 DVD's but what about the pull up bar and the weights? Does it come with those too or do I have to purchase those seperately??

I know it's about muscle building but I'm wondering if anyone has lost weight too. And what about the nutritian guide it comes with?? Does it have a plan for women too or just guys?? Is it really restrictive? I can't seem to find any examples.

Thanks for the help! :)


  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    You gotta buy the bands, bars. They don't come with the DVD's.
    I found that I don't have the kind of time that is needed for P90X. I use the workouts some of the time. But I prefer work outs that I can get done in under a half hour.
    I didn't get the nutritianl guide so I can't say on that.
  • frozenimage
    frozenimage Posts: 6 Member
    P90x works great for women. It works the same way that it does for the guys. You build the muscle that makes you burn more fat. And the exercises will burn plenty of calories. I am going to restart my p90x in the next week.

    The pull up bar and resistance cords can be purchased separately. As far as different They are all the same workout, but they are based on body weight and what you can do. They are very clear that you do what you can do and that is it.

    Hope it helps.
  • alysonporter
    alysonporter Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know if you have heard of ChaLEAN Extreme but it is similar to P90X except it is more focused towards women. (Both women and men can do it though.) I've heard some great things about it. I'm going to be starting it hopefully next week. Maybe you could look into that. Good luck! :) Hopefully this helps!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I used a 20% off coupon at bed bath & beyond to buy the Iron Gym pullup bar.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I gaind weight on p90x. It is not a weighloss program. The diet is very restrictive. Also you have to dedicate 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours a day 6 days a week. For ladies it takes longer, they say it should be called p120x, because it ill take 120 days for women to see a difference.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    I'm currently doing P90X and love it. It's intense and will push your body as far as you let it. I purchased a pull up bar and bands somewhere else for a little less money. The nutritional guide is awesome and will give you some great ideas. I don't always follow it but I do stick to the calorie limit. I think if you're interested then you should give it a can always return it. :smile:
  • Chasie
    Chasie Posts: 8
    It's an amazing workout program. Especially if you don't have a lot of time to dedicate to exercise. In one hour you get an amazing cardio and toning regimen! It has changed my shape... for the better. Very lean, long muscles, not big and bulky! I can't say anything negative. Tony Horton is wonderful. The first few times you do the DVD's you'll probably do 25% of what they are. That's okay... you'll eventually get stronger. I suggest a HR monitor to see how many kcals you're buring each workout. Definately worth the price!
  • SnuggleBunny
    I too have the Iromgym pull bar. Works great for the P90x workouts.

    Carrie - I've seen results and I'm not done with my first round yet. Especially my back and abs, nice definition.
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I have Tony Horton's Power 90 program and it is not as intense as P90X but still gave me great results. It has two different levels and they are all under 45 minutes. Workout and shower under an hour is his motto on this workout system. You just use dumbbells or bands for the sculpt workouts and nothing extra for the cardio except a chair for the chair dips. Good luck on finding something you love.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I completed P90X Classic last week and it was awesome! I'm getting ready to start Insanity next, but then I will be going back to P90X Lean afterwards. I got a pullup bar for and a set of weights for less than $50 at Walmart.
  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    I started the program last week and so far lost 4 lbs from it. DO IT!! It is soo worth your time and money, follow the diet because that is what makes you get through it all and intensifies the workouts. You will not regret it. I am so happy, I have been dieting for the past monthh and this is the first time I actually lost weight.....
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    p90x changed my life!! I lost weight, but more important I lost body fat & I AM STRONG (but not bulky). I do not eat pork, red meat, seafood, most dairy, no high fructose corn syrup, etc...& I was able to follow the nutrition plan. I have done 2 rounds of p90x now (I space it out w/other programs like Chalene, Insanity) and I plan to continue to do a round of p90x at least once a year. I believe in it that much.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    IMO, the hardest part about P90X is the time commitment. It's 6 days/week, 60-90 minutes per day.

    I've done 3 rounds (Lean, then doubles, then P90X+), back to back, and was REALLY pleased with my results. I've since moved onto Insanity, ChaLean Extreme, and am now doing ChaLean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid. It truly can be a life changing 90 day experience.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    I disagree it takes 120 days for results. I am at day 25 and am noticably thinner! I have lost weight as well, not "bulked up." While you are doing a lot of muscles, your HR does get up and burns calories. If you have weight to lose, you will lose it. If you are already pretty thin, I would imagine you just get more toned without losing weight numbers. Also, you can add cardio to your day to burn some more calories if you aren't happy with the number of calories burned.

    The diet isn't hard because they give examples of food, but as long as you stay within the percentage goals, you are following the nutrition (Day1-30 different %s of fat, carbs, protein vs. Day 31-60 and 61-90).

    I am stronger (I know becaus I can do more pushups/pullups) but my arms are not bulkier rather just less fat on them. Women do not build muscle like men do... my fiance at day 25 has MUCH bigger arms and a more defined torso and we've done the workouts together so I can tell you this from experience.

    I agree with time commitment, but that is how you are able to get such great results in 90 days. More intense and longer, so you get fit faster.

    I love P90x! If you decide to do it, let us know we would be happy to support you!! :)
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    Day 19 here...and yes, I have lost weight.

    I love P90X, I look forward to my workouts and I am excited! Every night before bed I go on FB and look at other's before/after photos and it's so inspiring!

    Do it!