

  • AHHHH....haha Sorry guys... Weigh In : 197.... NOW......I FELT GREAT this I think I am carrying a LOT of I drank probably a gallon after I ate all the junk. And from the sodium amount alone from the pizza, I think I have a good amount of water retention. My plan today is jump back on board and eat…
    in any wagers Comment by Kmill217 June 2010
  • Tweak and adjust!!! I usually eat under and over throughout the given weak. It all averages out in the end. I mainly eat to how I feel. If i know my body can handle a bit more food then I try to give it a bit extra knowing at the end of the week it won't show on the scale.... but that is just it...i know my body well…
  • honest. reassess diet. reassess workout plan. anytime you have bad results, don't get angry with it, get angry with why it happened. I've had plenty of weeks where I've felt great, but didn't see the change. TYPICALLY it had to do with one or two stupid meals I ate. And yes, this can affect your end result. I'm not saying…
  • 2 cups of water with every meal. Its freakin clockwork......WHY? because you should be eating every 2-4 hours. In my case I eat every 3 hours..... LIKE CLOCKWORK.... Thus consuming roughly 12 cups of water a day....... Plenty for normal daily intake, and compensation of daily activity/workouts..... Cliffs: Eat often Drink…
  • always happens... us returning home from deployment and getting our wives pregnant... <---- guilty as charged....probably just very relaxing and sureal, which allows hormones to do there thing in our bodies. as far as pregnancy wife has lost weight....all be it -- once you hear the fetal heart tones, it…
  • while it is important to track macros and stay within the guidelines... make sure your giving your body adequate amounts of nutrients an vitamins.... also.... spread your meals 300-400 cals every 2-3 hours..... you will burn more calories, and your metabolism will shred anything yo0u put in it. without a defined…
  • lol water is water? if it is flavored, whatever. Just watch sodium and sugar content. I'd advise not drinking this sort of drinks, but they're certainly better than alternative options. as for the drinking 4 250cl a day...i'd opt for more than that, especially if you are exercising regularly.
    in water ?? Comment by Kmill217 June 2010
  • lol ON protein has ZERO caffeine. I've never heard of caffeine and protein together. If my memory serves me correct, I thought receptors in our body would only absorb one of the compounds, either protein or caffeine. Or maybe that was way.... milk before bed isn't bad at all. It isn't ideal however…
  • Anyone try it yet? I'm curious to know? Do you think a blender would have enough power?? Anybody want to test it out for me? I'm in Korea and only have a blender....I think I'd have to search high and low for a food processor here...but im intrigued as all say! That sounds real good! Great post!
  • Chic Fila A is your best Fast food option if you must. The chicken sandwhich is very satisfying and it won't kill your macros for the day. CUT THE FRIES OUT THOUGH!!!! :) Eat an apple!
  • mac n cheese and shrimp look awesome! haha-
  • Take them to the Royal Gorge, and also Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Those are the two places I remember most when we went there when I was 5. Still remember watching city slickers in an old saloon theatre.... classic historical it!
    in Colorado! Comment by Kmill217 June 2010
  • oh hai! welcome to the site- you'll love it here. People have great tips, and motivational speeches. Just keep your nose down, and grind out the hours to a new body. Best of luck, and remember. Its a marathon, not a sprint!
    in Hi Comment by Kmill217 June 2010
  • you are my new inspiration...i mean hey- you've done it've done what everybody is trying to go it again!!!!!
  • I hear reluctancy on your part to commit to a training program. You need to figure out if your committed to losing the weight once and for all. Sounds like you have an idea of what to do, but you just won't commit to it. Maybe related to a history of trying to lose weight and failing. Bottom line. Do any exercise and eat…
  • Commit and be disciplined. If you can get yourself past this point of need, everything else falls into place. After you lose the first ten, you'll look at food completely different. IT will only be there to fortify your body with nutrition, and eventually you stop eating for pleasure. I am completely focused on nutrition.…
  • String cheese Laughing cow cheese and whole wheat crackers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Craving killer.....boom Or buy the cytosport Muscle milk if you have sweet tooths like I do. One packet muscle milk 1/2 cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese 1 C Milk Ice Cubes for thicker consistency I buy strawberries and cream flavor, and blamo I have…
  • YES! There is no motivation like that of wanting to look good to make someone jealous!!!! Plan: Go find the post on Shakeology. There is someone on this forum about to do a 3 day detox. Thats a great start. Jumpstart your metabolism, and shed some water weight. After that eat really lean. Only source of carbs should be…
  • My advice is binge. haha- now before you jump to conclusions. the next step post-binging is to write down every detail of your mood, demenor, attitude, and physical/mental feeling. 9/10 times after I give into my desire, I have horrible feelings/thoughts. I refer to this in week moments. This is ABSOLUTELY normal whenever…
  • i'm not much of a pasta guy. but that sounds amazing....then again I'm in Korea....anything Americanized sounds amazing....
  • I ask for a seasonal blend expresso latte w/ ff milk. Then depending on th coffee blend will ask for different spices.. I enjoy the flavor of coffee and don't need sugars/sweetners. Be cognicent of the fact that the syrups they use, one pump of the syrup is usually 20 carbs. (my wife send me some here in Korea, of the…
  • ^^ This ^^ I read this post in an attempt to be home sick. My wife makes an AWESOME lean chili that I miss so much!!!!! Woo-Wee how I miss home cooked meals!
  • i lol'ed. get a life? huh...well- I've probably accomplished more in my short 25 years on earth here than you will in yours. Just sayin' the next time you write an article, use an online grammar source. Or better yet- grab your nephew/niece who is above the 3rd grade to proof read it for you... Only being that today is…
  • military training is very unorthodox. Being a medic, we do a lot of medical P.T. It's awesome HIIT training. We will do Litter carries. We ran 3 miles with our promask (gas mask) on the other week. We run with our IBA (body armor @25 +/- lbs). And, our cadence calling. I'm tellin' you what- you can gas yourself just by…
  • My advice. It sounds like your wrapped up in your little man. Find ways you both can spend more time together and take in some exercise. It sounds like your very busy! It is tough, especially for a single mom (my dad my left my mom and I when i was 10). I ate Mcdonalds through highschool because it was economical and easy.…
  • hydrate hydrate hydrate you have to put fluid into the container so the pump can deliver it throughout your entire body. Fainting is the fastest way your body will get blood to the head, because once your flat on the ground, it doesn't have to work against gravity to deliver oxygen to the brain... Limit your natural…
  • eeeheem.... not trying to sound like a jerk, but how did you get the article published? My 6 year old nephew understands grammar better than what was written in that article. First, it was not informative at all. If you are trying to educate people, keeping it simple is key. You rambled the entire way through that. Plus,…
  • timing of nutrition is more important than calories themselves. You can't expect to eat 800-1200 calories in meals, and expect to lose weight. I would go for the advice offered above. Add more food to breakfast if your breaking a 10-12 hour fast. Make sure you have some protein. Throughout the rest of the day, add…
  • If one is focused on maintaining muscle mass to achieve the tone look. I would opt for my advice. But, you are correct in your thinking. If it is overall fat/weight loss your after, then cardio is the answer.....I just get burned out trying to go hard every single day. This usually leads to ultimate failure of diet and…
  • Im all for interval training once or twice a week. but studies have proven that working out at 65% of max heart rate burns 85% fat calories, where as 70-85% of your max heart rate only burns 50% fat calories......