

  • I find myself wanting food a lot but I'm not hungry. I try to stop but i feel the need to 'munch' i usually have healthy food to munch on but what are some good ways to think yourself out of wanting to eat because it tastes good?
  • I heard that stretches in the morning help you loose weight because it gets energy flowing and blood heated up a little. Can anyone back that? Any good results?
  • Yes i know, vegetables, proteins, breads, dairy, and all the healthy foods. But how much of each does the human body need to be in top shape, what amounts of each do we need everyday and what are the best times to eat them so they don't effect your body in the wrong way. Like for the calorie chart you can eat pretty much…
  • If a few days you work some mucsles that have not been worked really hard so that you can get rid of bad areas, but after that you don't work out there again because you would have to do the unnatural exersises to work those muscles. would all that turn into worse flab?
  • my name is Sarah, i just got myfitnesspal. I got it because im in aerobics and my teacher said this was a good site and she was right! i like it its pretty cool. i already workout about everyday but for some reason i just cant seem to get rid of a couple bad areas that ppl say dont matter but it bothers me, so here i am.…