dnedeltchev Member


  • Every time I see "weight loss" my blood starts boiling. This is such a complete and utter misconception! Have a look at some of the top athletes. Their weight is pretty high compared with what some people weigh, even some overweight people. Their BMI and total body mass is probably going off the charts... Important is body…
  • Total body weight/mass on its own is only one piece of the puzzle. If total body weight/mass is staying the same but like you said you are looosing inches then chances are you are building muscle. Start taking your body fat % which will give you your body composition, fat/muslce %,rather than just body mass.
  • Wow! I would say having the confidence to post these pics is a success story in itself! :)
  • Hi Nicole, Body weight is a combination of many things. What's important is body composition and not so much just body weight. I would recommend you get scales that measure your body fat and muscle. They are not 100% accurate but they do give you a trend. Also I would recommend a good book by a chap called Tom Venuto, "The…