Biggest Loser Workout DVDs

Just curious if anyone has had any success using the Biggest Loser workout DVDs, and if so which ones?


  • MadeToCraveHIM
    MadeToCraveHIM Posts: 213 Member
    Yes! I have used Biggest Loser's - Cardio Max, Power Sculpt and Last Chance Workout. I feel great after I use them for workouts and can see & feel the results in just a couple of days. They help you get your cardio in and tone your body at the same time.
  • eemott
    eemott Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks! I picked up The 6 week boot camp and I'm going on week 2 now without any drastic changes. I feel stronger but don't see much results...hopefully that will come as the levels get harder.
  • jimthix10
    I've been doing the Cardio Max DVD. It's too early for me to know if I'll see results, but it's definitely kicking my butt.
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    I like working out to the Biggest Loser Dvds' because you feel like your working out with friends, because you watched their working with Bob And Gillian makes me feel good.... They rock
  • cmevans22
    cmevans22 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks! I picked up The 6 week boot camp and I'm going on week 2 now without any drastic changes. I feel stronger but don't see much results...hopefully that will come as the levels get harder.

    Is this difficult or no challange at all? I have this dvd and I am debating on starting it next week, to compliment my Curves Circuit I do 4 times a week...
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I have been doing the Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout and I love it. I have only been doing it just over a week, so I am no where near being able to go to level 2. I think the trainers are very motivating. I love it that they have the past contestants on there working out with you and not a bunch of skinny people on there. It is more motivational for me that way.

    The next time I go to Walmart I am thinking about picking up a different version of the Biggest Loser, just not sure which one yet. I like to keep a variety of workouts so that I do not get bored.
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    I have the Calorie Knockout(with Anna right?) and I'm not overly pleased with it...I picked up 2 other videos at Giant Tiger(canada) for only $4 each! I did one tonight, it's amazing to be able to add what you want, so I did a 40minute workout--it was great!
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    I have the Calorie Knockout(with Anna right?) and I'm not overly pleased with it...I picked up 2 other videos at Giant Tiger(canada) for only $4 each! I did one tonight, it's amazing to be able to add what you want, so I did a 40minute workout--it was great!

    Which other ones did you get?

    I have been doing Cardio Max and Jillian micheals ripped in 30. I love love love Cardio Max. Been doing it for over for almost 3 weeks... and I am up to 8lb weights with it... An amazing work out..... Love love Love Bob. I have order Biggest loser Boot Camp and Biggest loser sculpting... form Amazon.. can hardly wait for them.
  • jlambert77
    jlambert77 Posts: 77 Member
    the Biggest Loser Workout Volume 1 and 2
    I love it...these guys are sweating and grunting and groaning...much less "refined" than my most recent Calorie Knockout video...I love them!


    good luck! :)
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    I am starting the 6 week maximum results program today- will be alternating cardio max with power sculpt 4 days a week ( 2 of each dvd )and other complimentary vids if i feel up to it on off days or same days. I did the power sculpt on the weekend and it was good, but decided to count today as day one, as its a monday
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    I am waiting for my sculpting one in the mail, ordered it 4 weeks ago.. should be here soon. I also do biggest Loser boot camp 1... and I love that one too......... I just love Bob Harper he is my motiivation
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    I lost 2 pounds in my first week using The biggest loser cardiomax/powersculp maximum, results program level one- and honestly wasnt eating the greatest.
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 2 pounds in my first week using The biggest loser cardiomax/powersculp maximum, results program level one- and honestly wasnt eating the greatest.

    I have been doing both of them too... and I tell you i am not seeing the weight fall as fast as i thought it would but I am losing the inches....

    I love these workouts and enjoy doing them and thats the most important...........
  • ThinnerHill
    ThinnerHill Posts: 254 Member
    I have the yoga for weight loss and it makes me sweat and kicks my butt! I love it though.
    Bob's not too bad to look at either while trying to pull off some of the poses.
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    I lost 2 pounds in my first week using The biggest loser cardiomax/powersculp maximum, results program level one- and honestly wasnt eating the greatest.

    I have been doing both of them too... and I tell you i am not seeing the weight fall as fast as i thought it would but I am losing the inches....

    I love these workouts and enjoy doing them and thats the most important...........

    Keep in mind that muscle weights more then fat, and also that water weight fluctuates a lot- its not unusual when starting a new work out to maintain, or even gain a little at first before your body levels off and starts to lose- if your losing .5 a week you are doing great! slow and steady losses are maintainable!
  • dnedeltchev
    dnedeltchev Posts: 5 Member
    I lost 2 pounds in my first week using The biggest loser cardiomax/powersculp maximum, results program level one- and honestly wasnt eating the greatest.

    I have been doing both of them too... and I tell you i am not seeing the weight fall as fast as i thought it would but I am losing the inches....

    I love these workouts and enjoy doing them and thats the most important...........

    Total body weight/mass on its own is only one piece of the puzzle. If total body weight/mass is staying the same but like you said you are looosing inches then chances are you are building muscle. Start taking your body fat % which will give you your body composition, fat/muslce %,rather than just body mass.
  • Ashleyanne271
    Ashleyanne271 Posts: 27 Member
    I love most of the Biggest Loser Workout DVDs! I actually gave up my gym membership (I hardly ever went) and now workout mostly with my DVDs. A great thing to do is check out a bunch of them from your library- that way you can try it out for free before you actually buy it!
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    I lost 2 pounds in my first week using The biggest loser cardiomax/powersculp maximum, results program level one- and honestly wasnt eating the greatest.

    I have been doing both of them too... and I tell you i am not seeing the weight fall as fast as i thought it would but I am losing the inches....

    I love these workouts and enjoy doing them and thats the most important...........

    The less weight you have to lose the slower it seems to come off, also inches are what matters most, you are likely transforming your body, and muscle weighs more then fat!
  • SherryLohr
    My husband and I are doing the Calorie Knockout and the Cardio Max. Too soon to tell how well they work but it feels good and kicks our butt! But what I want to know is how do I add this to the exercise board to keep track of what I am doing? I don't know how many calories I am burning and I can't find any other way to put it in. I tried putting the individual exercises in but all I found were the jumping jacks....
  • tyj247
    tyj247 Posts: 18
    I have a couple DVDs, but I don't use them that often. I'm wondering, though, how you log that into your exercise diary? And how do you know the calories burned?