

  • Wow that is incredible! well done. I lost 2 inches round my waist and 1 on my hips :) No weight seemed to drop
  • I Started level 2 last night! LOVE it compared to Level 1! Had to follow a few of Anitas moves but that was due to a slippery floor rather than fitness!
    in Day 11 Comment by Kyzd January 2012
  • Bekkaz I noticed this too with homemade wraps we have them often as I always considered them as a healthy option but they really do take up the calorie in take! YUM but only 1 not 2 where as I would have used to have 2!!! (although those the jumbo ones I haven't looked into how many the smaller ones are worth perhaps I…
  • Anastaciak - angelic29 - ArmadilloNZ - Atalantanz - Bekkaz - Bekkaz or Bekkazalien bonandbax - BylesFam - cadiam - Cadium carleybarley - carleybarley CountryMummy - CountryMum darkstartrails - Kluger debsilou - debsilou dejaca - romeosmum Dejay50 - dejay* denz100plus - Denz Excited1973 - Excited footykam - Kamox fourbees -…
  • I started my first day today and loved it! Will def be upping hand weights tomorrow
  • ahhh negative anyone can definately see them! I'll post a before and after photo... afterwards :)
  • Nothing since though :p mind you that might have something to do with the few beers I've had over the last few days
  • Oh that is cool!!
    in Cool site Comment by Kyzd January 2012
  • I'm a bit like you tashold I don't have alot to shift but I do seem to struggle shifting it. I'm not so much worried about my weighing myself but I will be measuring myself. I'm now on my 5th day here and it has been able to see what I'm doing wrong ie how much those 2 lollies here or there cost you.
  • Hi guys another new NZer here, I know of some others that have also joined in the new year! Nice to meet you all!
  • I do this all the time, I'm terrible, I'm guessing it is how I went from slim and trim to not trim and love handles!! Cheese is my weakness and your right I always think ohh just a small handful while grating eeeek. MUST STOP NOW!