wheatybread Member


  • It is a low carb high fat diet....I eat any kind of meat...I do watch out for processed meat because there are carbs in them....I eat any kind of veggies...I have cheese, mayo, cream cheese,heavy cream, ranch,butter. I don't pay much attention to calories..just the sugar,carbs and sodium.
  • Hello Ladies! I too have PCOS...I am not on any meds...I started at 311 pounds when diagnosed with PCOS . I only had my monthly maybe 3-4 times a year. I decided to take control of my life, I went on a LCHF diet..I went from a size 24 down to a size 14! LCHF really works with PCOS...I think I was the last time I wore a 14…
  • I just read this article about weight loss and menstrual...very interesting....check it out... http://www.metaboliceffect.com/15-facts-about-weight-loss-and-the-menstrual-cyle/