Question for the ladies.

How does being on your period affect your diet, exercise and weight loss?

It's particularly hot here in the mid to high nineties as far as weather goes, on the worst two days of the TOM and I can't be bothered to do anything. :( I'm just too tired and sluggish to get up and do something. I also gained back at least 2 pounds that I'd lost, and I'm hoping it's just water weight!

I take vitamin and mineral supplements so I'm not on a deficit there, but I've been wondering how other women feel and how they tackle the issue they have?


    BEEUK Posts: 113
    Exactly the same, bloated, lethargic and generally less oomph. As the uterine lining thickens you literally increase in mass, most of this is water in the tissue. Water retention is best sorted by movement, and exercise is a mood lifter so I force myself to do a cardio heavy workout on the first day of my cycle.

    But it is a matter of force and my willpower gets tested!

    What supplements do you take? I have noticed since taking Spirulina I have more energy when on my period.
  • wheatybread
    wheatybread Posts: 3 Member
    I just read this article about weight loss and menstrual...very interesting....check it out...
  • wannabeadancer27
    Good question. I tend to get really bloated and constipated in the week before I get my period. I used to get really lethargic and I would struggle to wake up (I'm normally very hyper and struggle falling asleep, so this was always a surefire sign I'm about to get my period), but since I started taking l-tyrosine, it's regulated my periods and I don't get the same sluggish feeling.

    I still exercise on my period, but I don't necessarily change my workout or eating habits since there are other factors (like the hours I work) that have a bigger affect on my life.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I just read this article about weight loss and menstrual...very interesting....check it out...

    Great link!
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    I just read this article about weight loss and menstrual...very interesting....check it out...

    Great article! Very interesting!
  • daftthoughts
    That's a very interesting article! It makes my head spin trying to think of how to combine all those recommendations with normal life though, phew.

    I'm amazed most of you continue to work out during your menstruation. I'm itching to get some exercise in but I can't even concentrate properly while driving my car, much less work up a serious sweat jumping up and down and stressing out my muscles.

    I take supplements from Optisana. I live in the Netherlands, close to the German border, so I either buy them from Dutch drugstores or German stores. Whichever is more convenient, although these are cheap supplements. They do make me feel much better though in general!