

  • I rarely comment on success stories although I love reading them, but your story is so inspirational it gave me goosebumps :) I love how you have turned your life around completely and are sooo active! It makes me realize maybe I can achieve something like this too! Thanks for sharing and the best of luck to you!
  • I'm Linda, I'm 23 years old and from the Netherlands. I'm pretty tall, about 5'11". I usually weigh in kilograms but I'll convert to pounds too :) SW: 77.5 kg (170.8 lbs) CW: 74 kg (163.1 lbs) GW: 67 kg (147.7 lbs) I don't worry too much about weight though, I'm more looking to develop some muscles. I am reading NROLFW and…
  • Bump for later! I love reading these.. Today I started to keep a list of little victories, inspired by this topic. It feels so good to read them over! Today I also finished the 4th of 6 weeks training for 5k (similar to C25k) AND I took "Before" pics because I'll be starting to lift soon. Took me lots of courage though!
  • I went away with my family this weekend. I had a great time really! But we celebrated Easter and two birthdays with plenty of food and drinks (and no time to go for a run) so I hope this week is better. Umm.. I doubt it though. It's my birthday tomorrow which means a high calorie weekend! I'll try and pick the healthy…
  • My stats for this week: Weight: 163.1 Sodium: 4 Exercise: 0 days with new exercises :( Spirit: 4 House Points: 258 Goal for April (EOM): 162 (I really don't lose weight that quickly) Thanks srp for your great example stats :)
  • srp, I love that I inspired you to get a hoop.. Let me know if you have one, I might have some tips and tricks for you to get you started! Also, congrats on setting a time below 30mins! I have yet to do that.. I'm just not so fast lol.. So how do I log my weight for end of March? Just in the spreadsheet, or can I simply…
  • Lol same here Suzie! I have no idea what my sodium intake is like, but I guess it's worth taking a look especially if I can earn OWLS with it! Haven't tried anything new either.. But I deserve points for some spirit right? Kelly, just go and buy one! You won't regret it, it's too much fun :) I really don't care that I burn…
  • That's cool! I really want to run 10k, it would be a real victory for me. The 6.6km run I'm doing in April will be the farthest I've ever run. Exciting.. Lol the "S has not been as V" really made me laugh when I got it. Focusing more on the place and on who you're with is a great tip for me too! I go out for dinner with my…
  • Nice to meet you azsuzi! :happy:
  • Lord and Lady Bezoar, it's so cool that you are doing this together. Losing weight/getting fit together is much more motivating! I think you both did great with the food choices. I should introduce myself too. I'm Linda, I'm 22 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I got serious with weight loss in December 2011 (it was…
  • Thank you! I felt so silly, but I guess it's not so bad then :)
  • Hello Ravenclaws! I'm Linda, I'm 22 years old and I'm from the Netherlands. I would love to join you guys! I really admire Ravenclaw for its intelligence. I would really like to start contributing to House Points and add my OWLS etc but I don't understand just yet :)
  • Bron, I removed myself from the spreadsheet because I realized I made the wrong choice in class :( I should be a Ravenclaw. Hope I don't get chased out of the Hufflepuff quarters, because I do like you guys!
  • Thank you Carolinagirl and Bron! I filled in my starting weight and goal for April right away. Looks like I'm the first one lol. I'm very excited to hear about new challenges and think this is an awesome way to motivate.
  • Hello! I'm Linda from the Netherlands, I'm 22 years old. I'd love to join Hufflepuff! I've always liked Hufflepuff for their intelligence and steady personality. I would love to add my points, but I can't figure out what to post daily and what to post weekly. And do I post it all here in separate, daily posts or do I post…
  • Hi, I'm Linda! I would love to join for 370 minutes! I already set up a plan: - 120 mins running/walking (training for 5k) - 100 mins biking (I could just as easily cycle to the busstop 7km from my house) - 90 mins hooping (I love to hoop) - 60 mins walking (from the trainstation to work) I'm excited to try this. Does this…